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Home » US Law » 2022 New Hampshire Revised Statutes » Title XXXIV - Public Utilities » Title 374-E - New Hampshire Municipal Bond Bank-Small Scale Power Facility Division

Section 374-E:1 – Title.

    374-E:1 Title. – This chapter shall be known as the "New Hampshire Municipal Bond Bank Small Scale Power Facility Act." Source. 1981, 545:7, eff. Aug. 29, 1981.

Section 374-E:10 – Effect of Pledge.

    374-E:10 Effect of Pledge. – Any pledge of revenues or other moneys made by the division shall be valid and binding from the time when the pledge is made. The revenues or other moneys so pledged and thereafter received by the division shall immediately be subject to the lien of such pledge without any […]

Section 374-E:11 – Reserve Fund.

    374-E:11 Reserve Fund. – I. The bond bank may create and establish on behalf of the division one or more special funds, hereafter referred to as "small scale power facility bond reserve funds", and shall pay into each such small scale power facility bond reserve fund any moneys appropriated and made available by the […]

Section 374-E:12 – General Fund.

    374-E:12 General Fund. – I. The bond bank shall establish and maintain in and for the division a fund called the "small scale power facility bond general fund" which shall consist of and in which there shall be deposited: (a) Fees received or charges made by the division for use of its services or […]

Section 374-E:13 – Additional Reserves and Funds.

    374-E:13 Additional Reserves and Funds. – The bond bank may establish in and for the division such additional and further reserves or other funds or accounts as may be, in the division’s discretion, necessary, desirable, or convenient to further the purposes of the division or to comply with any agreement or resolution of the […]

Section 374-E:14 – Other Provisions.

    374-E:14 Other Provisions. – The provisions of RSA 35-A:15-24, 26-33, and 35, as amended from time to time, shall apply to the division, its bonds or notes issued under this chapter, municipal small scale power facility bonds, and all other aspects of the powers and operations of the division under this chapter as if […]

Section 374-E:15 – Conflicts in Statutes.

    374-E:15 Conflicts in Statutes. – It is the intent of the legislature that in the event of any conflict or inconsistency in the provisions of this chapter and any other chapters pertaining to matters established or provided for in this chapter or in any rules adopted under this chapter or said other chapters, to […]

Section 374-E:16 – Liberal Construction.

    374-E:16 Liberal Construction. – This chapter shall be construed liberally to effect the legislative intent and the purposes of the chapter as complete and independent authority for the performance of each and every act and thing authorized in this chapter and all powers granted in this chapter shall be broadly interpreted to effect such […]

Section 374-E:17 – Severability.

    374-E:17 Severability. – If any provision of this chapter or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of the chapter which can be given effect without the invalid provisions or application, and to this end the provisions of this chapter are severable. […]

Section 374-E:2 – Declaration of Purpose.

    374-E:2 Declaration of Purpose. – It is hereby declared to be in the public interest and to be the policy of the state to foster and to promote, by all reasonable means, the provision of adequate markets and facilities for the borrowing of money by municipalities for the financing of small scale power facilities […]

Section 374-E:3 – Definitions.

    374-E:3 Definitions. – The following words or terms as used in this chapter shall have the following meanings, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context: I. "This chapter" means this New Hampshire municipal bond bank small scale power facility act. II. "Bond bank" means the New Hampshire municipal bond bank created and […]

Section 374-E:5 – Lending and Borrowing Powers Generally; State Not Liable.

    374-E:5 Lending and Borrowing Powers Generally; State Not Liable. – I. The bond bank acting by and through the division, for the purposes authorized by this chapter, may lend money to municipalities for the purpose of financing the construction and development of small scale power facilities through the purchase by the division of municipal […]

Section 374-E:6 – General Powers.

    374-E:6 General Powers. – The bond bank, acting by and through the division, for carrying out the purposes of this chapter, shall have the following powers: I. To adopt bylaws and rules for the conduct of its affairs and business and for use of its services and facilities; II. To maintain an office at […]

Section 374-E:7 – Prohibited Acts.

    374-E:7 Prohibited Acts. – Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to authorize or to empower the division: I. To make loans of money to any person, firm, or corporation other than a municipality, or to purchase securities issued by any person, firm, or corporation other than a municipality, or for investment, except […]

Section 374-E:8 – Bonds and Notes of the Division.

    374-E:8 Bonds and Notes of the Division. – I. The bond bank acting by and through the division may issue bonds or notes of the division in such principal amounts as it shall deem necessary to provide funds for any purposes authorized by this chapter, including the making of loans; the payment, funding, or […]

Section 374-E:9 – Terms of Agreement With Holders of Securities.

    374-E:9 Terms of Agreement With Holders of Securities. – In any resolution of the bond bank authorizing or relating to the issuance of any bonds or notes of the division under this chapter, the bond bank, in order to secure the payment of such bonds or notes and in addition to other powers granted […]