374-H:1 Definitions. – In this chapter: I. " Commission " means the public utilities commission. II. " Bring your own device " means a program for encouraging non-utility owned, and especially retail-customer owned, behind-the-meter energy storage to provide value to the electricity system, particularly in terms of peak reduction and avoided transmission and distribution […]
374-H:2 Customer Energy Storage Systems. – I. The commission shall adopt rules clarifying policy for the installation, interconnection, and use of energy storage systems by customers of utilities, and shall incorporate the following principles into the rules: (a) It is in the public interest to limit barriers to the installation, interconnection, and use of […]
374-H:3 Department of Energy Investigation of Energy Storage. – I. The department of energy shall investigate ways to enable energy storage projects to receive compensation for avoided transmission and distribution costs, including avoided regional and local network service charges, while also participating in wholesale energy markets. The department shall investigate how this might be […]