406-A:1 Purpose of Chapter. – I. The purpose of this chapter is to subject to the jurisdiction of the insurance commissioner of this state and to the jurisdiction of the courts of this state insurers not authorized to transact business in this state which place in or send into this state any false advertising […]
406-A:2 Definitions. – When used in this chapter: I. "The commissioner" shall mean the insurance commissioner of this state. II. "Unfair trade practice act" shall mean Revised Statutes Annotated, chapter 417, entitled Unfair Insurance Trade Practices. III. "Residents" shall mean and include person, partnership or corporation, domestic, alien or foreign. Source. 1961, 48:1, eff. […]
406-A:3 Notice to Domiciliary Supervisory Official. – No unauthorized foreign or alien insurer of the kind described in RSA 406-A:1 shall make, issue, circulate or cause to be made, issued or circulated, to residents of this state any estimate, illustration, circular, pamphlet, or letter, or cause to be made in any newspaper, magazine or […]
406-A:4 Actions by Commissioner. – If after 30 days following the giving of the notice mentioned in RSA 406-A:3 such insurer has failed to cease making, issuing, or circulating such false misrepresentations or causing the same to be made, issued or circulated in this state, and if the commissioner has reason to believe that […]
406-A:5 Service Upon Unauthorized Insurer. – I. Any of the following acts in this state, effected by mail or otherwise, by any such unauthorized foreign or alien insurer: (1) the issuance or delivery of contracts of insurance to residents of this state, (2) the solicitation of applications for such contracts, (3) the collection of […]
406-A:6 Constitutionality. – If any provision of this chapter or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or application of the chapter which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this chapter are […]
406-A:7 Short Title. – This chapter may be cited as the Unauthorized Insurers False Advertising Process Act. Source. 1961, 48:1, eff. May 29, 1961.