§ 160-a. Eggs; sale for food by grades or standards; consumer; definition. No person, and the term “person” in this statute shall include an individual, partnership, corporation or association, shall either as producer, wholesaler, commission merchant, jobber or retailer, sell, or offer to sell, or expose for sale for human consumption any eggs in the […]
§ 160-b. Establishment of grades or standards. It shall be the duty of the state department of agriculture and markets to enforce the provisions of this article and the commissioner of agriculture and markets is hereby vested with full power to establish forthwith and from time to time specific grades or standards of quality and […]
§ 160-c. Retail sale by grade or quality; fresh eggs; definition. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, or offer to sell or expose for sale to a consumer any eggs intended for human consumption other than those of his own production without notifying by suitable sign or label the person or persons […]
§ 160-d. Sales; misrepresentation. No person shall sell or offer for sale, or advertise for sale, eggs for human consumption if the package containing them or the label on them, or any advertising accompanying them, shall bear any statement or device regarding the eggs which may be false or misleading in any particular.
§ 160-e. Making and filing of invoice. Every person, other than the producer, in selling eggs to a retailer, shall furnish to such retailer an invoice showing the exact grade or quality of such eggs according to the standards prescribed by the commissioner of agriculture and markets. If any of the eggs covered by the […]