§ 579. Doing business without license prohibited. Only a charitable corporation as defined in paragraph (a) of section one hundred two (Definitions) of the not-for-profit corporation law of this state, or an entity incorporated in another state and having a similar not-for-profit status, shall engage in the business of budget planning as defined in subdivision […]
§ 580. Application for license. 1. Application for a license required under this article shall be in writing, under oath, and in the form prescribed by the superintendent, and shall contain the following: (a) The exact name and the address of the applicant and its date of incorporation; and (b) The name and complete business […]
§ 581. Conditions for issuance of a license; procedure where application denied. 1. Upon the filing of an application for a license, if the superintendent shall find that the financial responsibility, experience, character, and general fitness of the applicant, and of the officers and directors thereof are such as to command the confidence of the […]
§ 582. License provisions. Each license issued under this article shall state the address or addresses at which the business is to be conducted and shall state fully the name of the licensee, and the date and place of its incorporation. A copy of such license shall be prominently posted in each place of business […]
§ 583. Changes in officers or directors of licensee. In the event that there shall be any change among the officers or directors of any licensee, the licensee shall promptly notify the superintendent of the name, address, and occupation of each new officer or director and provide such other information as the superintendent may require.
§ 583-a. Changes in control. 1. It shall be unlawful except with the prior approval of the superintendent for any action to be taken which results in a change of control of the business of a licensee. Prior to any change of control, the person desirous of acquiring control of the business of a licensee […]
§ 584. Grounds for suspension or revocation of license; procedure. 1. The superintendent may revoke any license issued hereunder if he shall find that: (a) The licensee has violated any provisions of this article, or of any rule or regulation made by the superintendent under and within the authority of this article; (b) Any fact […]
§ 584-a. Contracts with debtors; fees. Each licensee shall submit to the department any form of written contract it intends to use between itself and such debtor. Such form contract shall, at minimum, make provision for the following information: 1. a complete list of the debtor’s obligations to be adjusted, including the name of each […]
§ 584-b. Prohibited activities. 1. No person, partnership, association, corporation, or other entity, except a licensee, may make any representation, directly or indirectly, orally or in writing that he, she, or it is licensed under this article. 2. No licensee shall advertise its services in any media, whether print or electronic, in any manner that […]
§ 585. Superintendent authorized to examine. For the purpose of discovering violations of this article or securing information lawfully required by him or her hereunder, the superintendent may at any time, and as often as he or she may determine, either personally or by a person duly designated by him or her, investigate the business […]
§ 586. Licensee’s books and records; reports. 1. The licensee shall keep and use in its business such books, accounts, and records as will enable the superintendent to determine whether such licensee is complying with the provisions of this article and with the rules and regulations lawfully made by the superintendent hereunder. Every licensee shall […]
§ 587. Authority of superintendent. The superintendent is hereby authorized and empowered to make, in addition hereto and not inconsistent herewith, such general rules and regulations, and such specific rulings, demands, and findings as he may deem necessary for the proper conduct of the business authorized and licensed hereunder and for the enforcement of this […]