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Home » US Law » 2022 New York Laws » Consolidated Laws » BVO - Benevolent Orders » Article 2 - General Provisions

10 – Mortgaging Property.

§ 10. Mortgaging property. If the funds of the corporation shall not be sufficient to pay for any real property purchased by the board of trustees in pursuance of law, or for the construction, repair or rebuilding of a suitable building or buildings, and the finishing or furnishing of apartments therefor, the corporation may issue […]

11 – Reincorporation of Joint Corporations.

§ 11. Reincorporation of joint corporations. A corporation heretofore organized, the members whereof represent lodges or bodies in any of the benevolent or fraternal orders mentioned or described in section seven hereof, may by a two-thirds vote of all its members present and voting at a regular or regularly called meeting thereof, proceed to reincorporate […]

12 – Placing Minors by Adoption.

§ 12. Placing minors by adoption. Any corporation created under section seven of this act or reorganized under section eleven thereof, for the purpose of acquiring and maintaining a home for the aged and indigent members of such order and their dependent surviving spouses and orphans, may place by adoption, according to law, minors placed […]

13 – .

§ 13. (enacted without section heading). Any corporation such as is described in the last preceding section, now having or which may hereafter have in its custody, a minor whose parents are both deceased and who has no general guardian or relative capable of furnishing such minor with a good home who will assume that […]

2 – Organization.

§ 2. Organization. Either of the following orders: 1. A lodge of Free and Accepted Masons duly chartered by and installed according to the general rules and regulations of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York; 2. A chapter of Royal Arch Masons duly chartered by and installed […]

7 – Joint Corporations.

§ 7. Joint corporations. 1. Any number of masonic bodies within the state, chartered by the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York, the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of New York, the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of the State of New […]

7-A – Consolidation.

§ 7-a. Consolidation. Any two or more of the bodies enumerated in the preceding section, having the same parent governing body, organized under section two of this chapter may consolidate by taking such action at any regular communication, convocation, encampment or other regular meeting thereof, by whatever name known, held in accordance with the constitution […]

8 – Trustees.

§ 8. Trustees. The persons executing such certificate and named therein, shall be the board of trustees of such corporation. If but two bodies unite to form such corporation, its by-laws may prescribe the terms of office of the trustees. If more than two bodies so unite, the trustees shall divide themselves by lot into […]

9 – Powers of Joint Corporations.

§ 9. Powers of joint corporations. Such corporation may acquire real property in the town, village or city in which such hall, home, temple or building is or is to be located, and erect such building or buildings thereupon for the uses and purposes of the corporation, as the trustees may deem necessary, or repair, […]