§ 130. Operation of hydro-electric plants at Crescent and Vischer Ferry. The corporation shall have charge of the hydro-electric plants constructed pursuant to chapter five hundred thirty-two of the laws of nineteen hundred twenty-two for the development and generation into electric energy of water power available at the structures known as the Crescent and Vischer […]
§ 131. Emergency repairs. When, in the opinion of the corporation, an emergency exists endangering the canal system the corporation may seize any lands, equipment, materials or supplies necessary to avert such damage or to restore the banks or other property which may be threatened or have been damaged. It may subsequently return or otherwise […]
§ 132. Investigate matters relating to the canal system; immunity of witnesses. 1. The corporation may, whenever the corporation shall deem it necessary, to effectively accomplish the purposes of this chapter, investigate any or all matters and transactions connected with or relating to the canal system. The corporation shall hear and take proofs in regard […]
§ 133. Impose penalties and power to remit. The corporation may, in its discretion, remit either absolutely, or on such conditions as it shall prescribe, any forfeiture incurred by a violation of any provision of this chapter, or any of the rules and regulations established by it, on the written petition of the person liable […]
§ 134. Actions for penalties. All actions for penalties and forfeitures imposed in this chapter, or for damages, on behalf of the state including the corporation, shall be prosecuted in the name of the corporation, by the corporation, unless otherwise specifically provided. All money recovered in such actions shall be accounted for and paid into […]