§ 30. Certification of patients. 1. A patient certification may only be issued if: (a) the patient has a condition, which shall be specified in the patient’s health care record; (b) the practitioner by training or experience is qualified to treat the condition; (c) the patient is under the practitioner’s continuing care for the condition; […]
§ 31. Lawful medical use. The possession, acquisition, use, delivery, transfer, transportation, or administration of medical cannabis by a certified patient, designated caregiver or the employees of a designated caregiver facility, for certified medical use, shall be lawful under this article provided that: 1. the cannabis that may be possessed by a certified patient shall […]
§ 32. Registry identification cards. 1. Upon approval of the certification, the office shall issue registry identification cards for certified patients and designated caregivers. A registry identification card shall expire as provided in this article or as otherwise provided in this section. The office shall begin issuing registry identification cards as soon as practicable after […]
§ 33. Registration as a designated caregiver facility. 1. To obtain, amend or renew a registration as a designated caregiver facility, the facility shall file a registry application with the office. The registry application or renewal application shall include: (a) the facility’s full name and address; (b) operating certificate or license number where appropriate; (c) […]
§ 34. Registered organizations. 1. A registered organization shall be a for-profit business entity or not-for-profit corporation organized for the purpose of acquiring, possessing, manufacturing, selling, delivering, transporting, distributing or dispensing cannabis for certified medical use. 2. The acquiring, possession, manufacture, sale, delivery, transporting, distributing or dispensing of medical cannabis by a registered organization under […]
§ 35. Registering of registered organizations. 1. (a) An applicant for registration as a registered organization under section thirty-four of this article shall include such information prepared in such manner and detail as the board may require, including but not limited to: (i) a description of the activities in which it intends to engage as […]
§ 36. Reports of registered organizations. 1. The board shall, by regulation, require each registered organization to file reports by the registered organization during a particular period. The board shall determine the information to be reported and the forms, time, and manner of the reporting. 2. The board shall, by regulation, require each registered organization […]
§ 37. Evaluation; research programs; report by board. 1. The board may provide for the analysis and evaluation of the operation of this article. The board may enter into agreements with one or more persons, not-for-profit corporations or other organizations, for the performance of an evaluation of the implementation and effectiveness of this article. 2. […]
§ 38. Cannabis research license. 1. The board shall establish a cannabis research license that permits a licensee to produce, process, purchase and/or possess cannabis for the following limited research purposes: (a) to test chemical potency and composition levels; (b) to conduct clinical investigations of cannabis-derived drug products; (c) to conduct research on the efficacy […]
§ 39. Registered organizations and adult-use cannabis. The board shall have the authority to grant some or all of the registered organizations registered with the department of health and currently registered and in good standing with the office, the ability to obtain adult-use cannabis licenses pursuant to article four of this chapter subject to any […]
§ 40. Relation to other laws. 1. The provisions of this article shall apply, except that where a provision of this article conflicts with another provision of this chapter, this article shall apply. 2. Medical cannabis shall not be deemed to be a “drug” for purposes of article one hundred thirty-seven of the education law.
§ 41. Home cultivation of medical cannabis. Certified patients twenty-one years of age or older may cultivate cannabis for personal use. Designated caregivers twenty-one years of age or older, caring for certified patients either younger than twenty-one years of age or whose physical or cognitive impairments prevent them from cultivating cannabis, may cultivate cannabis for […]
§ 42. Protections for the medical use of cannabis. 1. Certified patients, designated caregivers, designated caregiver facilities and employees of designated caregiver facilities, practitioners, registered organizations and the employees of registered organizations, and cannabis researchers shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege, including but […]
§ 43. Regulations. The board shall promulgate regulations to implement this article. The cannabis advisory board may make recommendations to the board.
§ 44. Suspend; terminate. Based upon the recommendation of the board, executive director and/or the superintendent of state police that there is a risk to the public health or safety, the governor may immediately suspend or terminate all licenses issued to registered organizations.
§ 45. Pricing. Registered organizations shall submit documentation to the executive director of any change in pricing per dose for any medical cannabis product within fifteen days of such change. Prior approval by the executive director shall not be required for any such change; provided however that the board is authorized to modify the price […]