§ 575. County comptroller; term; vacancy. The office of county comptroller may be created in any county upon the adoption of a proposition submitted at a general election. The board of supervisors of its own motion by local law adopted prior to September first in any year, may create the office of county comptroller. Any […]
§ 576. Deputy county comptroller. The county comptroller within ten days after entering upon the duties of his office shall appoint a deputy comptroller. Such appointment shall be in writing under his hand and seal and be filed and recorded in the office of the county clerk. He shall perform such duties as may be […]
§ 577. Powers and duties. 1. The county comptroller shall: (a) have general superintendence over the fiscal affairs of the county; (b) audit all claims, accounts and demands that are lawful county charges with the same effect as if audited and directed to be paid by the board of supervisors; (c) keep books and records […]