§ 670. Application of article. 1. The provisions of this article insofar as they are (a) in conflict with or in limitation of a provision of any alternative form of county government heretofore or hereafter adopted by a county pursuant to section one of article nine of the constitution, or any administrative code, county government […]
§ 671. General duties of coroner, or coroner and coroner’s physician, or medical examiner; additional duties may be directed. 1. The coroner, or if he is not a physician duly licensed to practice medicine in this state, the coroner and a coroner’s physician, together, or in counties in which the office of coroner has been […]
§ 672. Mutual aid agreements for coroners’ services. 1. Two or more counties are authorized to enter into written mutual aid agreements for the provision of services provided by the county coroner’s office or office of the medical examiner in such counties. Each county shall be liable for acts or omissions of its employees or […]
§ 673. Deaths concerning which a coroner, coroner and coroner’s physician or medical examiner has jurisdiction to investigate. 1. A coroner or medical examiner has jurisdiction and authority to investigate the death of every person dying within his county, or whose body is found within the county, which is or appears to be: (a) A […]
§ 674. Manner of investigation. 1. When a coroner or medical examiner is informed of the occurrence of a death within his jurisdiction as defined in section six hundred seventy-three of this article, he shall go at once to the place where the body is and take charge of it. If the coroner is not […]
§ 674-a. Manner of investigation when decedent is a donor of an anatomical gift. 1. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, if the decedent who is under the jurisdiction of the coroner or medical examiner as defined in this chapter is a donor of all or part of his body as defined in […]
§ 675. Advice, consultation, assistance, examinations, analyses and reports. 1. A coroner, coroner’s physician or medical examiner shall have authority when necessary in his opinion to consult with and to request advice, consultation or other assistance from any officer of a department of the state government, from any medical examiner of any city or county, […]
§ 676. Employment of stenographer. When the services of a stenographer shall not have been provided by the board of supervisors, or if a stenographer so provided is not available, the coroner, coroner’s physician or medical examiner shall have power to employ a stenographer for the purpose of taking statements and reducing to writing the […]
§ 677. Records; reports. 1. The writing made by the coroner, or by the coroner and coroner’s physician, or by the medical examiner, at the place where he takes charge of the body, shall be filed promptly in the office of the coroner or medical examiner. The testimony of witnesses examined before him and the […]
§ 678. Disposition of money or property found on deceased. 1. Money and other property found upon the body of the deceased, not required for the purposes of the investigation, shall be delivered to the county treasurer. Unless claimed in the meantime by the legal representatives of the deceased, articles held for the purposes of […]
§ 679. Training requirements for coroners and coroner’s deputies. Each coroner and coroner’s deputy, whether elected or appointed pursuant to section four hundred of this chapter, shall attend and successfully complete state-approved courses in medical-legal investigation. The cost of such courses shall be the responsibility of the coroner or coroner’s deputy, provided however that the […]