§ 120. Who may be discharged. A person, imprisoned by virtue of an execution to collect a sum of money, issued in a civil action or special proceeding, may be discharged from the imprisonment, as prescribed in this article. A person who has been admitted to the jail liberties, is deemed to be imprisoned, within […]
§ 121. To what court application to be made. Application for such a discharge must be made by petition, addressed to the court from which the execution issued; or to the county court of the county in which he is imprisoned; or, if he is imprisoned in the city of New York, to the supreme […]
§ 122. When petition may be presented. A person so imprisoned may apply for such a discharge, at any time; unless the sum, or, where he is imprisoned by virtue of two or more executions, the aggregate of the sums, for which he is imprisoned, exceeds five hundred dollars; in which case, he cannot present […]
§ 123. Contents of petition; schedule. The petition must be in writing; it must be signed by the petitioner; and it must state the cause of his imprisonment, by setting forth a copy, or the substance of the execution, or, if there are two or more executions, of each of them. The petitioner must annex […]
§ 124. Affidavit of petitioner. An affidavit, in the following form, subscribed and taken by the petitioner, on the day of the presentation of the petition, must be annexed to the petition and schedule: “I, ———-, do swear” (or “affirm,” as the case may be), “that the matters of fact, stated in the petition and […]
§ 125. Notice to creditors. At least fourteen days before the petition is presented, the petitioner must serve, upon the creditor in each execution, by virtue of which he is imprisoned, a copy of the petition, and of the schedule; together with a written notice of the time when, and place where, they will be […]
§ 126. Notice to creditors; when service cannot be made. The papers, specified in the last section, may be served, either upon the creditor or his representative, or upon the attorney whose name is subscribed to the execution; and, in either case, in the manner prescribed in the civil practice law and rules for the […]
§ 127. Notice to creditors; when state a creditor. Where the state is a creditor, the papers must be served upon the attorney-general, who must represent the state in the proceedings.
§ 128. Proceedings on presentation of petition. Upon the presentation of the petition, schedule, and affidavit, with due proof of service or publication, as prescribed in the last three sections, the court must make an order, directing the petitioner to be brought before it, on a day designated therein; and on that day, or on […]
§ 129. Adjournment. Upon sufficient cause being shown by a creditor, the court may, from time to time, adjourn the hearing; but not to a day later than three months after the presentation of the petition.
§ 130. Proceedings on adjourned day. An objection to a matter of form shall not be received upon an adjourned day; and, unless the opposing creditor satisfies the court that the proceedings on the part of the petitioner are not just and fair, the court must direct an assignment, as prescribed in the last section […]
§ 131. Assignment; effect thereof. The assignment must be acknowledged or proved, and certified, in like manner as a deed to be recorded in the county, and must be recorded in the clerk’s office of the county where the petitioner is imprisoned. Where it appears, from the schedule or otherwise, that real property will pass […]
§ 132. Discharge; when to be granted. Upon the production, by the petitioner, of satisfactory evidence, that the petitioner has actually delivered to the trustee or trustees all the property so directed to be assigned, which is capable of delivery; or upon the petitioner’s giving security, approved by the court, for the future delivery thereof; […]
§ 133. Petitioner’s property still liable. Notwithstanding such a discharge, the judgment creditor in the execution has the same remedies, against the property of the petitioner, for any sum due upon his judgment, which he had before the execution was issued; but the petitioner shall not, except as is otherwise specially prescribed in the next […]
§ 134. When creditor may issue new execution against person. If the petitioner is convicted of perjury, committed in any of the proceedings upon his petition, any judgment creditor, by virtue of whose execution he was imprisoned, may issue a new execution against his person.
§ 135. Powers and duties of trustee. The trustee must collect the demands, and sell the other property assigned to him. He must apply the proceeds thereof, after deducting his commissions and expenses allowed by law, as follows: 1. To the payment of the jail fees, upon the imprisonment and discharge of the petitioner. 2. […]
§ 136. Creditor may notify debtor to apply for discharge. Where a person has been imprisoned by virtue of an execution, for the space of three months after he was entitled, by the provisions of this article, to apply for a discharge; and has neither made such an application, nor applied for his discharge under […]
§ 137. Effect of failure so to apply. If the prisoner does not, within thirty days after personal service of such a notice, either present a petition to the proper court, as prescribed in article third of this chapter, or serve, upon the creditor giving the notice, a copy of a petition and schedule, with […]
§ 138. Debtors to state or United States not to be discharged. Neither of the following named persons shall be discharged from imprisonment, under the provisions of this article: 1. A person owing a debt or duty to the United States. 2. A person owing a debt or duty to the state, for taxes or […]
§ 139. Discharge on application of taxpayer. Where a person has been arrested by virtue of an execution issued upon a judgment of fifty dollars or under, and has been kept imprisoned at the expense of the county for six months or over, the court out of which the execution issued may, on the application […]