§ 1701. Boards of education corporate bodies. The board of education of each union free school district is hereby created a body corporate and it shall, at its first meeting and at each annual meeting thereafter, elect one of its members president. It may also, in its discretion, elect one of its members vice president, […]
§ 1702. Board of education; election; terms of office. 1. Whenever a union free school district shall be established, pursuant to the provisions of subdivision three of section fifteen hundred four of this chapter, or, pursuant to the provisions of sections fifteen hundred twenty-two and fifteen hundred twenty-three of this chapter, it shall be the […]
§ 1703. Change in number of members of board of education. 1. The number of members of the board of education of a union free school district may be increased or decreased at an annual meeting by a majority vote of the qualified voters present and voting to be ascertained by taking and recording the […]
§ 1704. Length of school year, and expenditure of funds. 1. No board of education or community board in the city school district of the city of New York, except as otherwise provided by law, shall authorize or permit the expenditure of funds under its control at a rate which will exhaust the amount appropriated […]
§ 1705. Annexing territory to a union free school district. 1. Territory may be annexed to a union free school district as provided in this section. a. The commissioner is authorized and empowered to make and enter in the commissioner’s office orders dissolving one or more common, union free or central school districts and annexing […]
§ 1706. Power of removal of member of board of education. For cause shown, and after giving notice of the charge and opportunity of defense, the commissioner of education may remove any member of a board of education. Wilful disobedience of any lawful requirement of the commissioner of education, or a want of due diligence […]
§ 1707. Annual organizational meetings of boards of education. 1. The annual organizational meeting of the board of education of every union free school district shall be held on the first Tuesday in July of each year, unless said day shall be a legal holiday, in which event it shall fall on the first Wednesday […]
§ 1708. Regular meetings; visitation of schools. 1. It shall be the duty of each board of education elected pursuant to the provisions of this article to have a regular meeting at least once in each quarter. 2. Each board shall appoint one or more committees, to visit every school or department under its supervision […]
§ 1709. Powers and duties of boards of education. The said board of education of every union free school district shall have power, and it shall be its duty: 1. To adopt such by-laws and rules for its government as shall seem proper in the discharge of the duties required under the provisions of this […]
§ 1709-a. Powers of boards of education to ban fraternities, sororities and other secret societies. 1. In its discretion, the board of education of each school district, may adopt rules and regulations to abolish and/or prohibit any fraternity, sorority or other secret society in any secondary school under its jurisdiction. 1 (a) Prior to the […]
§ 1710. Boards of education have powers of trustees of common schools and trustees of academies. The board of education of a union free school district shall possess all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the duties, which the trustees of common school districts possess or are subject to under this chapter, […]
§ 1711. Appointment of superintendent of schools. 1. The board of education of any union free school district may appoint a superintendent consistent with the provisions of this section. 2. Such superintendent shall possess, unless otherwise specified by the by-laws of the board of education, the following powers and be charged with the following duties: […]
§ 1712. Kindergartens; nursery and night schools. 1. The board of education of each school district may maintain kindergartens which shall be free to resident children between the ages of four and six years, provided, however, such board may fix a higher minimum age for admission to such kindergartens. 2. A board of education may […]
§ 1713. Academy may be adopted as academic department. Whenever a union free school district shall be established under the provisions of article thirty-one, and there shall exist within the district an academy, the board of education, when authorized by a vote of the voters of the district, may adopt such academy as the academic […]
§ 1714. Contracts with academies. The board of education of a union free school district, with the approval of the commissioner of education, may adopt an academy as the academic department thereof, and contract for the instruction therein of pupils of academic grade, residing in the district. The academy thereupon becomes the academic department of […]
§ 1715. Retransfer of academy to its former trustees. If there shall be, in a dissolved union free school district, an academy which shall have been adopted as the academic department of the union free school district, under the provisions of title nine, chapter five hundred fifty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred sixty-four, and […]
§ 1716. Estimated expenses for ensuing year. 1. It shall be the duty of the board of education of each district to present at the annual budget hearing a detailed statement in writing of the amount of money which will be required for the ensuing year for school purposes, specifying the several purposes and the […]
§ 1717. Corporate authorities must raise tax certified by board of education. 1. The corporate authorities of any incorporated village in which any such union free school district shall be established, shall have power, and it shall be their duty, to raise, from time to time, by tax, to be levied upon all the real […]
§ 1718. Limitation upon expenditures. 1. No board of education shall incur a district liability in excess of the amount appropriated by a district meeting unless such board is specially authorized by law to incur such liability. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision one of this section, grants in aid received from the state and […]
§ 1719. Deposit, custody and payment of moneys in villages. 1. All moneys raised for the support of schools in any union free school district whose boundaries are coterminous with the boundaries of an incorporated village or apportioned to the same by the education department or otherwise, shall be paid into the treasury of such […]