§ 1801. Formation and changes of central school districts. 1. The commissioner of education is hereby authorized and empowered to lay out central school districts for the establishment of central schools to give instruction in elementary or elementary and high school subjects and to fix, determine and define the boundaries of said districts as hereinafter […]
§ 1802. Organization procedure. 1. New central school districts shall be organized as provided in this subdivision. a. When an order laying out a central school district has been made and entered as provided in section eighteen hundred one of this chapter, a petition may be presented by persons qualified to vote at school district […]
§ 1803. Proceedings at meeting. 1. Any meeting held pursuant to the notice provided in section eighteen hundred two shall be called to order by a school official or a qualified voter of the district, designated by the commissioner of education for the purpose. The first order of business shall be the election of a […]
§ 1803-a. Alternative voting procedure. 1. When an order laying out a central school district has been made and entered as provided in section eighteen hundred one of this chapter, and the petitions referred to in paragraph a of subdivision one of section eighteen hundred two thereof have been, or are being, presented and filed […]
§ 1804. Board of education; election; powers and duties. 1. Each such central school district shall be managed by a board of education consisting of five, seven or nine members, which board shall have the same powers and duties as boards of education in union free school districts as prescribed by this chapter. Except as […]
§ 1805. Powers of central school district; officers of component districts; transition state aid. All central school districts shall have the same powers and be subject to the same limitations that are now conferred or imposed by law upon union free school districts as provided by this chapter. The district officers of the several existing […]
§ 1807. Transportation of school children. 1. The commissioner of education shall have power in any such central school district to require the payment by the district of such expense of transportation of school children to and from the schools they legally attend within the district as in his judgment such transportation is required because […]
§ 1809. Apportionment to central school districts containing former central school districts. Whenever a new central school district shall be laid out and organized out of territory including existing central school districts, or whenever a central school district shall have territory annexed to it including existing central school districts, such central school district shall be […]