§ 1901. Central high school districts; number and election of members of board of education. 1. Existing central high school districts are continued. Boards of education of such central high school districts heretofore established shall continue as constituted under the order of the commissioner. The number of their members shall be not less than five. […]
§ 1902. Other districts may join central high school district. Other school districts that were not included in the establishment of the original central high school district may join such district upon a vote of the majority of the electors of such district present and voting at a district meeting duly called for that purpose […]
§ 1903. Powers of board of education; laws applicable. 1. The board of education of a central high school district shall have jurisdiction over the pupils residing therein who have completed the work of the sixth grade and shall have the same powers and duties in respect to the school therein as a board of […]
§ 1904. Annual organizational meeting of board of education in the county of Nassau. The annual organizational meeting of the board of education of every central high school district in the county of Nassau shall be held on the second Tuesday in July of each year.
§ 1905. District treasurer and clerk; custody and disbursement of funds. The board of education of a central high school district shall appoint a treasurer, who shall hold office during the pleasure of the board and shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter relative to the treasurer of a union free school district. […]
§ 1906. District meetings; vote upon school taxes. 1. The annual meeting and election of a central high school district shall be held on the third Tuesday in May, provided, however, that such annual meeting and election shall be held on the second Tuesday in May if the commissioner at the request of a local […]
§ 1907. Transportation of pupils. The board of education of such central high school district may cause transportation to be furnished to the pupils residing in the district who are entitled to attend such central high school or other public or non-public high school within the central high school district and who reside so remote […]
§ 1908. Apportionment of expenses. 1. The board of education of such central high school district shall cause to be apportioned among the school districts included in such central high school district the amount required for the payment of the principal and interest of all obligations issued for the purchase or acquisition of a school […]
§ 1909. State aid. 1. Public moneys shall be apportioned to such central high school district on account of the central high school maintained therein, in the same amount and under the same conditions as in the case of apportionments to union free school districts on account of secondary instruction given in the public schools […]
§ 1910. Location of site or sites. The board of education of such central high school district shall designate the site or sites for one or more central high school buildings in such district or for any other school purpose by resolution containing a description thereof by metes and bounds. If such board of education […]
§ 1911. Acquisition of site and erection of building. 1. The board of education of a central high school district shall, when the site of the said high school building shall have been designated as provided herein, submit to the qualified electors of such district a proposition authorizing the levy and collection of a tax, […]
§ 1912. Formation of central high school districts in the county of Suffolk. A central high school district may be formed by the combination of two or more central, union free or common school districts in the county of Suffolk. The territory shall be contiguous.
§ 1913. Laying out; referendum procedure. 1. The commissioner is authorized to lay out a central high school district for the establishment and maintenance of instruction for secondary pupils in grades seven through twelve and to fix its boundaries. 2. Within ten days after the making and entry of the order pursuant to this section, […]
§ 1914. Board of education; number and election. For any central high school district formed on or after July first, nineteen hundred eighty-one, the order of the commissioner establishing such central high school district shall specify the number of members to constitute the board of education of such district and the number of members representing […]
§ 1915. Facilities; housing of program. 1. The board of education may lease existing buildings within a territory of the central high school district from a component district or, if authorized by the voters of a central high school district, construct, purchase or otherwise acquire land and buildings for school purposes. 2. The board of […]
§ 1916. Superintendent status. A central high school district will be considered for eligibility for independent superintendency status under criteria established by the commissioner.
§ 1917. Employees; employment rights. Teachers and other staff members of component districts, except the superintendent of schools, whose services in the component districts are no longer needed because of creation of a central high school district, shall be granted employment rights in central high school districts in accordance with length of service in each […]
§ 1917-a. Employees; employment rights; creation of new central high school district. 1. Teachers and other staff members of component districts, except the superintendent of schools, whose services in the component districts are no longer needed because of the creation of a central high school district or the transference of students to an existing central […]