§ 1950. Establishment of boards of cooperative educational services pending the creation of intermediate districts. 1. The boards of education and school trustees of a supervisory district which is not part of an intermediate district, meeting at a time and place to be designated by the district superintendent of schools, may, by a majority vote […]
§ 1951. Budget of board of cooperative educational services. 1. The final administrative and capital budgets of the board of cooperative educational services as adopted shall be a charge against all of the school districts contained in the board of cooperative educational services, provided, however, that any component school district which does not elect to […]
§ 1952. Technologies network ties program. 1. There is hereby established a model technologies network ties program to pilot innovative uses of technology for interactive instruction and administrative purposes, in order to determine the feasibility of developing a statewide technologies network ties program. 2. The commissioner shall develop a plan, subject to the approval of […]