§ 4451. Powers of the department with respect to gifted pupils. Subject to the availability of funds, the state education department is hereby authorized and empowered to assist districts in meeting the educational needs of gifted pupils through the following: 1. provide information to school districts concerning development of programs, curriculum resources, instructional procedures and […]
§ 4452. Guidelines and definition. 1. In order to provide for educational programs to meet special needs of gifted pupils, the commissioner is hereby authorized to make recommendations to school districts in accordance with the provisions of this subdivision and section thirty-six hundred two of this chapter. a. As used in this article, the term […]
§ 4453. Advisory council on the education of gifted pupils. 1. Subject to the availability of funds, the commissioner may establish within the department an advisory council on the education of gifted pupils. Such council shall assist and advise the commissioner and his designees with respect to policies and procedures relating to the education of […]