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Home » US Law » 2022 New York Laws » Consolidated Laws » ELN - Election » Article 15 - Village Elections

15-100 – Application of Article.

§ 15-100. Application of article. This article applies to all general and special village elections for officers and all the provisions of this chapter, not inconsistent with this article, shall apply to all village elections, except that if a village has adopted a resolution pursuant to paragraph c of subdivision one of section 15-104 of […]

15-102 – Definitions.

§ 15-102. Definitions. The terms used in this article shall have the meaning herein defined unless other meaning is clearly apparent in language or context: 1. “General village election” means the annual or biennial election for village officers. 2. “Special village election” means any election of village officers, other than, the general village election. 3. […]

15-104 – General Village Election.

§ 15-104. General village election. 1. a. The general village election shall be held on the third Tuesday in March except in any village which presently elects, or hereafter adopts a proposition to elect, its officers on a date other than the third Tuesday in March. b. In any village in which the general village […]

15-106 – Special Village Elections for Officers.

§ 15-106. Special village elections for officers. 1. a. In a village where the rules of any party require that any nomination of candidates for village office by such party be made at a primary election, pursuant to this article; (1) Special village elections shall be held on the third Tuesday of the month preceding […]

15-108 – Designation and Nomination of Candidates.

§ 15-108. Designation and nomination of candidates. 1. Nominations of candidates for elective village offices shall be made as provided in this section. 2. a. Party nominations of candidates for village offices in any county shall be made at a party caucus or, if the rules of the county committee, heretofore or hereafter adopted consistent […]

15-110 – Election Districts.

§ 15-110. Election districts. 1. A village shall constitute a single election district for village elections. However, if at a general village election the number of votes cast exceeds eight hundred, the board of trustees, by resolution adopted before the next general village election, may divide such village into election districts each containing not more […]

15-112 – Registers and Poll-Books; How Used.

§ 15-112. Registers and poll-books; how used. For any village election where permanent personal registration records are not used, all copies of the register in the polling place shall be referred to, if necessary, to determine the persons entitled to vote; but at any such election, including a primary election, ballot numbers shall be entered […]

15-114 – Number of Voting Machines.

§ 15-114. Number of voting machines. Any village that uses voting machines for village elections shall provide one voting machine for each eight hundred or fraction thereof of qualified voters in each election district, as such voters are defined in section 15-110 of this article.

15-116 – Inspectors of Election.

§ 15-116. Inspectors of election. 1. The board of trustees shall, by resolution at least forty days prior to a general village election appoint two or four inspectors of election for each village election district. Such resolution shall fix the compensation of the inspectors and designate a chairman. In addition, the board of trustees may […]

15-118 – Registration of Voters.

§ 15-118. Registration of voters. 1. In a village election conducted by the board of elections pursuant to a resolution adopted as provided in paragraph c of subdivision one of section 15-104 of this article or a village which has adopted a resolution providing that there shall not be any registration day for village elections […]

15-120 – Absentee Voting at Village Elections.

§ 15-120. Absentee voting at village elections. 1. A qualified voter of a village may vote as an absentee voter under this section if during all the hours of voting on the day of a general or special village election he or she will be: (a) absent from the county of his or her residence; […]

15-124 – Duties of Village Clerk.

§ 15-124. Duties of village clerk. 1. In addition to any duties of the village clerk specified in this chapter and the village law, the village clerk shall be the election officer of the village and shall have the responsibility for the general conduct of all village elections and shall have vested in him all […]

15-126 – Canvass of Election.

§ 15-126. Canvass of election. 1. The inspectors of election of each election district shall, immediately upon the closing of the polls at each annual or biennial election, proceed to canvass the votes cast thereat and shall complete such canvass without adjournment. They shall, before nine o’clock in the forenoon of the following day, file […]

15-128 – Notice to Person Chosen to a Village Office.

§ 15-128. Notice to person chosen to a village office. The clerk of the village shall, within three days after the election of a village officer, notify each person elected of his election, and of the date thereof, and that, in order to qualify, he is required to file his oath of office with such […]

15-130 – Election of Trustees by Wards.

§ 15-130. Election of trustees by wards. The board of trustees of any village may, by resolution, and subject to a mandatory referendum, provide for the election of trustees by wards, alter existing ward boundaries or abolish wards and the election of trustees by wards. If a village elects trustees by wards separate ballot boxes […]

15-132 – Votes Upon Propositions to Be by Ballot or Voting Machine.

§ 15-132. Votes upon propositions to be by ballot or voting machine. All votes upon a proposition submitted at a village election shall be by ballot unless the board of trustees of the village has adopted voting machines as provided in this chapter, in which case machines may be used.

15-134 – Failure to Designate Terms.

§ 15-134. Failure to designate terms. No election of village officers, held in any village, shall be invalid on account of the failure of the electors to designate in their ballots the respective terms of office of persons to be elected thereat, for the same office, for different terms; but the persons so to be […]

15-136 – Refusal of Officer to Surrender His Office.

§ 15-136. Refusal of officer to surrender his office. If a person who has been an officer of a village refuses or neglects to deliver to his successor in office, within ten days after written notification and request sent by order of board of trustees all the moneys, books, papers, records, property and effects of […]

15-138 – Judicial Review of Matters Relating to Village Elections.

§ 15-138. Judicial review of matters relating to village elections. The supreme court or any justice thereof within the judicial district and the county court or any judge thereof within the county, in which the village is located, shall have summary jurisdiction to determine any question arising and make such order as justice may require, […]