2-100 – Party Committees; Provision For.
§ 2-100. Party committees; provision for. Party committees shall consist of a state committee, county committees, and such other committees as the rules of the party may allow.
§ 2-100. Party committees; provision for. Party committees shall consist of a state committee, county committees, and such other committees as the rules of the party may allow.
§ 2-104. County committee; creation. 1. The county committee of each party shall be constituted by the election in each election district within such county of at least two members and of such additional members as the rules of the county committee of the party within the county or the statement filed pursuant hereto may […]
§ 2-106. State and county committees; election of members. 1. Members of the state and county committees shall be elected at the primary election as herein provided. 2. Members of the state committee shall be elected biennially. 3. Members of county committees shall be elected biennially, except that to effect a transition from either odd […]
§ 2-108. State and county committees; new party. The state committee and county committees of a new political party, which meet prior to the first primary for which members of such party shall have become enrolled, shall be formed as provided by the rules of such party.
§ 2-110. Committees other than state and county; creation. 1. All committees other than state and county committees shall be formed in the manner provided for by the rules of the party. 2. In the city of New York there shall be the party positions of assembly district leaders or, if the rules of the […]
§ 2-112. Committees; organization. 1. Every committee shall meet and organize by electing a chairman, a secretary, a treasurer and such other officers as they may pursuant to their rules. (a) Every state committee shall meet no earlier than September seventeenth and no later than October first following the June primary. Until such organization meeting, […]
§ 2-114. Committees; rules of. 1. Each committee may prepare rules for governing the party within its political unit. Within ten days after the adoption of any rule or amendment thereto a certified copy thereof shall be filed by the state committee in the office of the state board of elections, and by the county […]
§ 2-116. Committee; removal of member. A member or officer of a party committee may be removed by such committee for disloyalty to the party or corruption in office after notice is given and a hearing upon written charges has been had. The hearing shall be held by the committee, or a subcommittee thereof appointed […]
§ 2-118. Committees; vacancies, how filled and effect of change of boundaries. 1. In the case of the death, declination, enrollment in another party, removal from the unit or removal from office of a member of a committee, or the failure to nominate or elect a member, the vacancy created thereby shall be filled by […]
§ 2-120. Party positions; to be filled at primary election, time for filing statement as to. 1. The chairman of the county committee of each party or such person as may be designated by the rules of the county committee shall file with the board of elections not later than two weeks before the first […]
§ 2-122. National party conventions; delegates, election. Delegates and alternates to a national convention of a party shall be elected from congressional districts, or partly from the state at large and partly from congressional districts, as the rules of the state committee may provide. Such delegates and alternates from the state at large shall be […]
§ 2-124. Party names and emblems; provision for. 1. The state committee of a party shall select a name and emblem to distinguish the candidates of the party for public office in all districts of the state, and shall file in the office of the state board of elections, a certificate executed by its chairman […]