§ 27-1201. Definitions. When used in this title: 1. “Contaminant” means emerging contaminants pursuant to section eleven hundred twelve of the public health law, and, for solid waste sites, shall include parameters identified in regulations required to be tested by landfills to ensure the protection of groundwater quality. 2. “Contamination” or “contaminated” means the presence […]
§ 27-1203. Mitigation and remediation of solid waste sites. 1. The solid waste site priority in this state is to mitigate and remediate any solid waste site causing or substantially contributing to impairments of drinking water quality which may impact public health. 2. The department shall, in conjunction with the department of health, develop a […]
§ 27-1205. Mitigation of contaminants in drinking water. 1. Whenever the commissioner of health has required a public water system to take action to reduce exposure to an emerging contaminant or emerging contaminants and has determined that the concentration of the emerging contaminant constitutes an actual or potential threat to public health based on the […]
§ 27-1207. Use and reporting of the solid waste mitigation program and the drinking water response program. 1. Pursuant to the clean water infrastructure act of two thousand seventeen and within the up to one hundred thirty million dollars appropriated for such purposes, mitigation and remediation efforts to address public drinking water contamination from emerging […]
§ 27-1209. Rules and regulations. The department shall promulgate rules and regulations necessary and appropriate to carry out the purposes of this title and shall at a minimum include such provisions for requisite due process and meaningful public participation as are appropriate to any action undertaken pursuant to this title, taking into consideration the nature […]
§ 27-1211. Protection against liability and liability exemptions and defenses. In addition to common law defenses, the provisions of sections 27-1321 and 27-1323 of this article shall apply to a solid waste site that is causing or substantially contributing to contamination of public drinking water supplies or a drinking water contamination site pursuant to this […]