§ 27-2601. Definitions. As used in this title: 1. “Cathode ray tube” means a vacuum tube or picture tube used to convert an electronic signal into a visual image. 2. “Computer” means an electronic, magnetic, optical, electrochemical or other high-speed data processing device performing a logical, arithmetic or storage function, including a laptop computer and […]
§ 27-2603. Manufacturer collection; recycling surcharge. 1. (a) Beginning April first, two thousand eleven, a manufacturer of covered electronic equipment must accept for collection, handling and recycling or reuse electronic waste for which it is the manufacturer. Such waste shall count toward the amount of electronic waste required to be accepted pursuant to subdivision four […]
§ 27-2605. Manufacturer electronic waste registration and responsibilities. 1. A manufacturer shall submit a registration on a form prescribed by the department to the department by January first, two thousand eleven, along with a registration fee of five thousand dollars. The department may require such form to be filed electronically. Such registration shall include: (a) […]
§ 27-2607. Retailer requirements. 1. At the location of sale of covered electronic equipment, a retailer shall provide purchasers of covered electronic equipment with information, if any, about opportunities for the return of electronic waste that has been provided to the retailer by a manufacturer. 2. Beginning April first, two thousand eleven, no retailer shall […]
§ 27-2609. Labeling. Beginning April first, two thousand eleven, a manufacturer may not offer for sale in the state or deliver to retailers for subsequent sale covered electronic equipment unless it has a visible, permanent label clearly identifying the manufacturer of that equipment.
§ 27-2611. Disposal ban. 1. Beginning April first, two thousand eleven, no manufacturer, retailer, or owner or operator of an electronic waste collection site, electronic waste consolidation facility or electronic waste recycling facility in the state shall dispose of electronic waste at a solid waste management facility or hazardous waste management facility, or place electronic […]
§ 27-2613. Electronic waste collection, consolidation and recycling. 1. Electronic waste collection sites. No later than January first, two thousand eleven, each person who owns or operates an electronic waste collection site in the state shall: (a) register with the department on a form prescribed by the department. The department may require such form to […]
§ 27-2615. Department responsibilities. 1. The department is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations necessary to implement and administer this title. At a minimum, the department shall promulgate rules and regulations on: standards for reuse; electronic waste acceptance credits; waivers of the recycling surcharge; and acceptable alternative methods for the determination of state sales data. […]
§ 27-2617. Reporting requirements. 1. Beginning March first, two thousand twelve, for the period of April first, two thousand eleven through December thirty-first, two thousand eleven and each calendar year thereafter, a manufacturer that offers covered electronic equipment for sale in this state shall submit a report to the department on a form prescribed by […]
§ 27-2619. Preemption. Jurisdiction in all matters pertaining to electronic waste recycling, including but not limited to the obligations of manufacturers, retailers, electronic waste collection sites, electronic waste consolidation facilities and electronic waste recycling facilities with respect to electronic waste recycling, is, by this title, vested exclusively in the state. Any provision of any local […]
§ 27-2621. Disposition of fees. All fees and charges collected pursuant to this title shall be deposited into the environmental protection fund established pursuant to section ninety-two-s of the state finance law.