§ 27-0501. Definitions. 1. “Collection system development program” means a comprehensive review of existing solid waste collection practices and the development of designs for efficient and cost-effective systems for the systematic collection of solid waste of one or more municipalities or any portion thereof. 2. “Preparation of contract documents” means the preparation of documents for […]
§ 27-0503. State aid. 1. The commissioner may, in the name of the state, make or contract to make, within the limitation of appropriations therefor, a state grant for the payment to any municipality of not more than fifty percent of the eligible cost of collection system development programs, preparation of contract documents, and implementation […]
§ 27-0505. Powers and duties of the commissioner. In administering and enforcing the provisions of this title, the commissioner shall: 1. make an estimate of funds or appropriations for inclusion annually in the executive budget for state aid under this title including section 27-0509 hereof; 2. receive applications for state aid in such form and […]
§ 27-0507. Powers of municipalities. Any municipality may: 1. apply to and contract with the commissioner for state aid pursuant to this article; 2. enter into contracts for consulting, engineering and other professional services for the preparation of documents in respect to which state aid is to be sought pursuant to this title; provided, however, […]
§ 27-0509. Technical assistance. The commissioner shall prepare and distribute to municipalities, and may distribute to other persons, upon request, information relevant to the source separation of solid waste. The commissioner shall provide consultations to assist in the development of programs under this section. Such technical assistance program shall include, but not be limited to: […]