47-0101 – Short Title.
§ 47-0101. Short title. This article shall be known as the local environmental protection act.
§ 47-0101. Short title. This article shall be known as the local environmental protection act.
§ 47-0105. Establishment of county environmental management councils; members and officers. 1. The county governing body of any county may establish a county environmental management council. Such council may be constituted within the organized structure of county government so as to provide for effective coordination among all agencies of the county for the purposes of […]
§ 47-0107. Powers of council. 1. The council may advise on all matters affecting the preservation, conservation and ecologically suitable use of the natural resources of the county. 2. The council shall review the state of the county environment as a whole, and shall prepare and submit an annual report of its findings to the […]
§ 47-0109. Appropriation of council. The county may provide for compensation to be paid to the members of the council and may make such appropriations as it may see fit for expenses incurred by the council including appointment of such clerks and other employees as may be necessary for the conduct of the council’s official […]
§ 47-0111. Assistance of department of environmental conservation. To assist a council in carrying out its functions, powers and duties the department of environmental conservation may upon request: 1. Prepare reports outlining objectives, priorities and proposed relationships of the council to the local governing body; 2. Prepare descriptions of work to be undertaken, advantageous techniques […]
§ 47-0113. Regional environmental management councils. 1. If in the opinion of the governing bodies of two or more counties, the protection and management of the environment of the area could be effectively or efficiently provided by a regional council these counties may enter into agreement to establish a regional environmental management council for the […]
§ 47-0115. Reimbursement. Up to one-half of the expenditures during the state fiscal year of any county or regional environmental management council established pursuant to this article shall be reimbursed to the counties out of funds appropriated by the state to the Department of Environmental Conservation for this purpose. Provided, however, that any county environmental […]
§ 47-0117. Annual report. The commissioner shall submit an annual report to the governor and the legislature describing the operation of the local assistance program established by this article. The annual report shall include a description of activities conducted by each county and regional environmental management council and the activities conducted by the department in […]