§ 40. Department of audit and control; comptroller. There shall continue to be in the state government a department of audit and control. 1. The head of the department of audit and control shall be the comptroller. He shall be paid an annual salary of one hundred fifty-one thousand five hundred dollars. 2. The organization […]
§ 41. Deputies and assistants; undertakings. 1. The comptroller shall appoint eight deputies, one of whom shall be the first deputy comptroller. Such deputies shall receive annual salaries to be fixed by the comptroller within amounts appropriated therefor. Each of such deputies may perform any of the powers or duties of the comptroller. 2. The […]
§ 41-a. Deputy comptroller for the city of New York. In addition to the deputies otherwise authorized by law, the comptroller shall, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, appoint a deputy comptroller for the city of New York. Such deputy may be removed or replaced by the comptroller and shall receive […]
§ 42. Supervision of money paid into court. The comptroller shall have power, at any time, to examine the books, papers, records and accounts of any public office or officer of the state, or of any subdivision of the state in anywise relating to moneys or securities paid into court or ordered by any court […]
§ 43. Examiners. 1. Whenever the comptroller may deem it necessary to enable him to perform the duties imposed upon him by law with regard to the inspection, examination and audit of the fiscal affairs of the state or of the several officers, departments, institutions, public corporations or political subdivisions thereof, he may assign the […]
§ 44. Records and data in aid of audit; destruction of certain papers. 1. Where powers and duties of the comptroller relate to moneys, funds or securities of the state, or to state appropriations, or to funds and securities administered under state supervision, or to obligations of the state or of state agencies, the comptroller, […]
§ 45. Authority to represent the state as owner of abutting property. Whenever by law owners of property abutting upon a street or highway, or any number or percentage thereof, are authorized to petition or otherwise initiate any proceeding respecting the use, occupation or improvement of such street or highway, or the consent of such […]
§ 46. Office of welfare inspector general. 1. There is hereby created in the department of audit and control an office of welfare inspector general. The head of the office shall be the welfare inspector general, who shall be appointed by the comptroller, by and with the advice and consent of the senate. 2. The […]
§ 47. Organization of offices; officers and employees. 1. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the welfare inspector general may, from time to time, subject to the approval of the state comptroller, create, abolish, transfer and consolidate divisions, bureaus and other units within the office as he may determine necessary for the efficient operation of […]
§ 48. General functions, powers and duties of office of welfare inspector general. The office of welfare inspector general, by and through the welfare inspector general, or his duly authorized deputy, director, assistant, officer or employee, shall have the following functions, powers and duties notwithstanding section one hundred thirty-six of the social services law: 1. […]
§ 49. Cooperation and assistance of other agencies. The office of welfare inspector general may request from any department, board, bureau, commission or other agency of the state and its political subdivisions, and the same are authorized and directed to provide, such cooperation and assistance, services and data as will enable the office properly to […]
§ 50. Referral of evidence. 1. Upon the discovery of evidence of the commission of a crime by any person, the welfare inspector general shall refer such evidence to the district attorney of the county in which the alleged crime occurred, for the appropriate action of such district attorney. 2. Upon the discovery of evidence […]