§ 995. Definitions. When used in this article, the following words and terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section: 1. For purposes of general forensic analysis the term “forensic laboratory” shall mean any laboratory operated by the state or unit of local government that performs forensic testing on evidence in a […]
§ 995-c. State DNA identification index. 1. Following the promulgation of a policy by the commission pursuant to subdivision nine of section nine hundred ninety-five-b of this article, the commissioner of criminal justice services is authorized to promulgate a plan for the establishment of a computerized state DNA identification index within the division of criminal […]
§ 995-d. Confidentiality. 1. All records, findings, reports, and results of DNA testing performed on any person shall be confidential and may not be disclosed or redisclosed without the consent of the subject of such DNA testing. Such records, findings, reports and results shall not be released to insurance companies, employers or potential employers, health […]
§ 995-e. Applicability. This article shall not apply to a forensic DNA laboratory operated by any agency of the federal government, or to any forensic DNA test performed by any such federal laboratory.
§ 995-f. Penalties. Any person who (a) intentionally discloses a DNA record, or the results of a forensic DNA test or analysis, to an individual or agency other than one authorized to have access to such records pursuant to this article or (b) intentionally uses or receives DNA records, or the results of a forensic […]