§ 538. In general. (a) No person, firm, corporation, or other business entity, regardless of its form of organization, shall deceptively cause computer software to be copied onto the computer or internet-capable device of a consumer in this state and use the software to access, hijack, or use the consumer’s modem, internet-capable device, or internet […]
§ 538-a. Enforcement. (a) The attorney general may bring a civil action against any person, firm, corporation, or other business entity, regardless of its form of organization, that violates this article to enjoin the violation and may recover the following: (1) a civil penalty of one thousand dollars per violation of this article or, for […]
§ 538-b. Definitions. For the purposes of this article: (a) the term “hijack”, with respect to a modem or internet-capable device, means taking control of the modem or the modem-function of a user’s computer or internet-capable device to initiate a toll telephone call via a telecommunications network, a voice over internet protocol, or other internet […]