§ 10. Licenses to reside upon tribal lands. A county judge of a county in which lands of any nation, tribe or band of Indians are situated, may, upon the request of such nation, tribe or band, grant a written license to a schoolmaster, teacher or family of teachers, or minister of the gospel and […]
§ 11. Trespasses on tribal lands. An action may be brought, in the name of the people of the state, against any person other than an Indian, trespassing upon tribal lands, by the district attorney of the county in which such lands are situated, upon security for the payment of the costs of such action […]
§ 11-a. Recovering possession of reservation land. In addition to any other remedy provided by this chapter or by any other law, the council, chiefs, trustees or headmen constituting the governing body of any nation, tribe or band of Indians may in the name and on behalf of such nation, tribe or band, maintain any […]
§ 12. Highways on tribal lands. Commissioners of highways of towns in which an Indian reservation is wholly or partly situated shall have the same power and jurisdiction over the portion of the reservation in their respective towns, to improve highways already laid out therein, as is conferred upon such commissioners by the highway law, […]
§ 12-a. Indian cemetery or burial grounds. The office of parks and recreation shall have the power to designate any Indian cemetery or burial ground as a place of historic interest pursuant to subdivision one of section 3.09 of the parks and recreation law provided, however, that such cemetery or burial ground is not located […]
§ 13. Powers of departments of charities and education in relation to Indians. The department of charities shall hear and determine all questions which may arise in relation to moneys under the control of the state, belonging to any nation, tribe or band of Indians, or any individual Indian or his descendants, except moneys under […]
§ 13-a. Payments for Indians. Whenever it shall appear that any person whose name shall be certified for payment of an annuity or other fund by the state is incapable of receiving it because of incompetency or infancy said payment shall be made to the attorney or agent of the tribe of which said incompetent […]
§ 14. Trust funds for Indians. The departments of education and charities, respectively, for the purposes hereinafter specified, shall receive from any nation, tribe or band of Indians residing in the state, any sums of money which such Indians may wish to put in trust with the state of New York, upon condition that the […]
§ 15. Freedom from toll and ferriage. The Indians of the Six Nations may pass and repass free of toll and ferriage, at all seasonable times of the day, on any turnpike road, which shall have been established since April sixth, eighteen hundred and three, or which shall hereafter be established, leading from or through […]
§ 16. Indian settlement agreements. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the provisions of the Oneida Settlement Agreement referenced in section eleven of the executive law shall be deemed to supersede any inconsistent laws and regulations.
§ 17. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other provision of this chapter limiting to members of the male sex the right to vote in elections and meetings of any nation, tribe or band of Indians, no member of the feminine sex being a member of such nation, tribe or band shall be disqualified by sex […]
§ 18. Fire corporations. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the members of the Seneca Nation of Indians may establish fire corporations to provide fire protection and related services upon the Seneca Indian reservations, or any part thereof, subject to the approval of the Council of the Seneca Nation of Indians. Such corporations shall be […]
§ 19. Fire Protection Contracts. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the Seneca Nation of Indians and any city, town, village, fire district or incorporated fire company may enter into a contract or contracts whereby such city, town, village, fire district or incorporated fire company for a stated consideration, agrees to provide fire protection upon […]
§ 2. New York state Indian nations and tribes. The term “Indian nation or tribe” means one of the following New York state Indian nations or tribes: Cayuga Nation, Oneida Nation of New York, Onondaga Nation, Poospatuck or Unkechauge Nation, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, Seneca Nation of Indians, Shinnecock Indian Nation, Tonawanda Band of Seneca […]
§ 9. Residence of other Indians on tribal lands. The chiefs, head men or councilors of any nation, tribe or band of Indians other than the Seneca nation, in council assembled, may, by a majority vote, grant a written permit to any Indian not a member of such nation, tribe or band, to reside upon […]