§ 340. Special task force for the apparel industry. Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms shall have the following meanings: (a) “Commissioner” shall mean the commissioner of labor; (b) “Department” shall mean the department of labor; (c) “Apparel industry” shall mean the making, cutting, sewing, finishing, assembling, pressing or otherwise producing, by […]
§ 341. Registration. 1. No manufacturer or contractor shall engage in the apparel industry unless he or she registers with the commissioner, in writing, on a form provided by the commissioner, which shall contain the following information: whether it is a sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation, its name, address and number of production employees, the […]
§ 341-a. Unlawfully manufactured apparel. The commissioner shall have the power to affix to any article of apparel or component thereof, in the manufacture or assembly of which any employee was employed in violation of article six or nineteen of this chapter, a tag of no more than six inches in length bearing the words […]
§ 342. Establishment of a special task force. The commissioner is authorized to establish a special task force for the purpose of concentrating enforcement of the labor law affecting production employees in the apparel industry in New York state and otherwise exercising the duties and powers set forth in sections three hundred forty-three and three […]
§ 343. Duties. The special task force is charged with the following duties: 1. To inspect manufacturers and contractors, with respect to their respective production employees, for compliance with the registration requirements of section three hundred forty-one of this article; 2. To inspect manufacturers and contractors, with respect to their respective production employees, for compliance […]
§ 344. Powers. Notwithstanding any other state or local law or regulation to the contrary, the special task force shall have the following powers: 1. To inspect books, records and premises of manufacturers and contractors, with respect to their respective production employees, to determine compliance with this chapter, including but not limited to, minimum wage, […]
§ 345. Violations, penalties, procedures. 1. Any manufacturer or contractor in the apparel industry who has failed to comply with the registration requirements of section three hundred forty-one of this article shall be deemed to have violated this article. 2. Any manufacturer or contractor in the apparel industry who has failed to comply within the […]
§ 345-a. Liability of manufacturers and contractors. 1. A manufacturer or contractor who contracts or subcontracts with another manufacturer or contractor for the performance of any apparel industry service within the meaning of subdivision (c) of section three hundred forty of this article and who knew or should have known with the exercise of reasonable […]
§ 345-b. Confiscation of goods. 1. The commissioner may, in addition to seeking civil, administrative or criminal penalties pursuant to this article, order the special task force to confiscate any partially or completely assembled articles of apparel and any equipment used in the assembly of apparel from any manufacturer or contractor who is violating any […]
§ 346. Special task force training; assistance of agencies. 1. The special task force shall receive training to be provided by the state in each of the areas of the labor law, state or local building codes, state or local fire codes, laws or regulations and state or local health codes, laws or regulations in […]
§ 347. Report. Two years after the date on which this article takes effect, and on or before the thirty-first of January of each year thereafter, the special task force shall issue a report on its activities and on the apparel industry in New York state. This report shall be delivered to the labor committees […]
§ 348. Powers of commissioner; surety bond; civil and criminal penalties. 1. If an order has been issued by the commissioner pursuant to section two hundred eighteen or two hundred nineteen of this chapter within the previous five years to any person engaged as an employer in the apparel industry directing compliance with any provision […]
§ 349-a. Annual reports. The commissioner shall publish, on or before February first, two thousand five and quarterly thereafter, a report setting forth the names of all registered apparel industry manufacturers and contractors, and all of such manufacturers and contractors who were found to be in violation of this article within the past year. Such […]