§ 810. Statement of public policy. Skilled manpower constitutes a great resource in this state. Apprenticeship programs, through supervised training and education, develop skilled craftsmen and help meet the increasing needs for such workers in the state’s labor force. The continuing development of skilled manpower is essential for individual self-realization and for an expanding industrial […]
§ 811. Powers and duties of industrial commissioner; personnel. 1. The industrial commissioner shall have the following powers and duties: (a) to encourage and promote the making of apprenticeship agreements conforming to the standards established by or pursuant to this article; (b) to establish suggested standards for apprenticeship agreements in conformity with the provisions of […]
§ 812. Related and supplemental instruction. Related and supplemental instruction for apprentices, coordination of instruction with job experience, and the selection of teachers and coordinators for such instruction shall be the responsibility of state and local boards responsible for career education. As provided by other statutes, the department of education shall be responsible for and […]
§ 813. State apprenticeship and training council. 1. The governor shall appoint a state apprenticeship and training council, composed of three representatives from employer organizations and three from employee organizations and one representative of the general public, who shall be the chairman. The council by majority vote may designate one of its members, other than […]
§ 813-a. Annual reports by apprenticeship programs. 1. On an annual basis, all apprenticeship programs covered under the provisions of this article shall report to the department on the participation of apprentices currently enrolled in such apprenticeship program. The data to be included in such report shall include, at a minimum: (a) the total number […]
§ 814. Local, regional and state joint apprenticeship committees. Local and state joint apprenticeship committees may be approved, in any trade or group of trades, in cities, regions of the state or trade areas, by the industrial commissioner, whenever the apprentice training needs of such trade or group of trades or such regions justify such […]
§ 815. Suggested standards for apprenticeship agreements. Suggested standards for apprenticeship agreements are as follows: 1. A statement of the trade or craft to be taught and the required hours for completion of apprenticeship which shall be not less than four thousand hours of reasonably continuous employment. 2. A statement of the processes in the […]
§ 816. Apprenticeship agreements. For the purposes of this article an apprenticeship agreement is: (1) An individual written agreement between an employer and an apprentice, or (2) a written agreement between an employer or an association of employers, and an organization of employees describing conditions of employment for apprentices or (3) a written statement describing […]
§ 816-a. Apprenticeship assistance in all political subdivisions of the state. any political subdivision of the state may provide financial assistance, within the amounts appropriated therefor, for the purpose of promoting non-profit apprentice training programs within such political subdivision to train persons in those skills needed by the the political subdivision as an employer, administered […]
§ 816-b. Apprenticeship participation on construction contracts. 1. For purposes of this section: (a) “governmental entity” shall mean the state, any state agency, as that term is defined in section two-a of the state finance law, municipal corporation, commission appointed pursuant to law, school district, district corporation, board of education, board of cooperative educational services, […]
§ 817. Limitation. The provisions of this article shall apply to a person, firm, corporation or craft only after such person, firm, corporation or craft has voluntarily elected to conform with its provisions.
§ 818. Separability. If any provision of this article or the application thereof to any person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the article, and the application of such provision to other persons and circumstances, shall not be affected thereby.
§ 819. Training of persons in the repair and reconditioning of slot machines. Possession of a slot machine shall be permitted where such possession is necessary to facilitate the training of persons in the repair and reconditioning of such machines by entities not subject to tribal-state compacts, provided all of the following conditions are met: […]