§ 130. Employment of minors under fourteen years of age. 1. No minor under fourteen years of age shall be employed in or in connection with any trade, business, or service, except as otherwise provided in this section. 2. Exceptions: Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the employment of: a. A minor […]
§ 131. Employment of minors fourteen or fifteen years of age. 1. No minor fourteen or fifteen years of age shall be employed in or in connection with any trade, business, or service when attendance upon instruction is required by the education law. 2. When attendance upon instruction is not required by the education law, […]
§ 132. Employment of minor sixteen or seventeen years of age. 1. No minor sixteen or seventeen years of age shall be employed in or in connection with any trade, business, or service when attendance upon instruction is required by the education law or in violation of the employment certificating provisions of the education law. […]
§ 133. Prohibited employments of minors. 1. Minors under sixteen. No minor under sixteen years of age shall be employed in or assist in: a. painting or exterior cleaning in connection with the maintenance of a building or structure; b. any occupation in or in connection with a factory, except as provided in subdivision four […]
§ 134. Placement of minors by employment agencies. No employment agency shall place a minor in any employment, or shall procure or attempt to procure for a minor, any employment, unless such employment is authorized or permitted by the provisions of this article. The term “employment agency” as used in this section means and includes […]
§ 135. Duties of employers. 1. The employer of any minor required to have an employment certificate: a. Shall, before employment begins, file at the place of the minor’s employment such certificate so that it may be readily accessible to any person authorized by law to examine such document; b. Shall, upon the termination of […]
§ 136. Employment of minors fourteen to eighteen years of age under physical disability. No employer shall employ a child whose employment certificate or permit states that the occupation in which the child may engage is limited because of his physical disability, for more than six months from the date of issuance of said certificate […]
§ 137. Duty of commissioner to transmit information. The commissioner shall transmit to the local superintendent of schools, on or before the tenth day of each month, on blanks furnished by the state education department, the names and home addresses of all children under eighteen years of age found illegally employed during the preceding month […]
§ 138. Employment of persons apparently under eighteen years of age. 1. If any person apparently under eighteen years of age is employed without the certificate on file as required by law, in or in connection with any employment to which the provisions of this article apply, the commissioner may require the employer to cease […]
§ 139. Physical examination of employed minors; cancellation of employment certificate. 1. A medical inspector of the department of labor shall require any minor sixteen or seventeen years of age employed in or in connection with any trade, business, or service, to submit to a physical examination by him if in his judgment such minor […]
§ 140. Enforcement of violations relating to child performers, child models, street trades, and newspaper carriers. The commissioner is hereby authorized and empowered to prosecute violations of section 35.01 of the arts and cultural affairs law, relating to child performers, section 35.05 of the arts and cultural affairs law, relating to child models, section thirty-two […]
§ 141. Civil penalties. 1. If the commissioner finds that an employer has violated any provision of this article or of a rule or regulation promulgated thereunder, the commissioner may by an order which shall describe particularly the nature of the violation, assess the employer a civil penalty of not more than one thousand dollars […]
§ 142. Hours of work for minors fourteen and fifteen years of age. 1. When school is in session. When school is in session, no minor fourteen or fifteen years of age shall be employed : a. More than three hours on any school day; b. More than eight hours on any day when school […]
§ 143. Hours of work for minors sixteen and seventeen years of age. 1. When school is in session, no minor sixteen or seventeen years of age enrolled in a daytime school, other than a part-time or continuation school, shall be employed: a. (i) More than four hours on any day preceding a school day, […]
§ 144. Posting of hours. 1. The employer shall make a schedule for all minors employed by the employer, setting forth the hours of beginning and stopping and the time allowed for meals, which shall be kept conspicuously posted in each establishment where such persons are employed. A change in the schedule of hours worked […]
§ 145. Criminal penalties. Any person who knowingly violates any provision of this article and any officer or agent of a corporation who knowingly permits the corporation to violate any such provisions shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction therefor shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars […]