3 – Expulsion of Members.
§ 3. Expulsion of members. Each house has the power to expel any of its members, after the report of a committee to inquire into the charges against him shall have been made.
§ 3. Expulsion of members. Each house has the power to expel any of its members, after the report of a committee to inquire into the charges against him shall have been made.
§ 30. Duties of finance and ways and means committees and secretaries. The committees and their secretaries shall have access at all reasonable times to offices of state departments, commissions, boards, bureaus and offices, to institutions and to all state authorities and public works of the state and they may, for the purpose of obtaining […]
§ 31. Appearances and inquiries in respect to the budget; procedure regulated. The governor and the heads of departments, divisions and offices each shall have the right to appear voluntarily and be heard in respect to the budget before the committees of the houses of the legislature to which such budget may be referred under […]
§ 32. Representation of certain legislative committees during revision of the budget. The chairman of the finance committee of the senate and the chairman of the ways and means committee of the assembly and the ranking minority members of each of such committees shall be notified of, and they and/or their representatives shall attend, the […]
§ 32-a. Budget; public hearings. After submission and prior to enactment of the executive budget, the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee jointly or separately shall conduct public hearings on the budget. Such hearings may be conducted regionally to provide individuals and organizations throughout the state with an opportunity to comment […]
§ 33. Exercise of certain statutory powers during a vacancy in office of the temporary president of the senate and speaker of the assembly. A statutory power of the temporary president of the senate or speaker of the assembly, jointly or singly to approve vouchers, to direct the expenditure of moneys appropriated for a legislative […]
§ 4. Contempts of either house. Each house may punish by imprisonment not extending beyond the same session of the legislature, as for a contempt, for the following offenses only: 1. Arresting a member or officer of either house in violation of his privilege from arrest; 2. Disorderly conduct of its members, officers or others […]
§ 5. Compensation of members. 1. Effective January first, two thousand twenty-three, each member of the legislature shall receive a salary of one hundred forty-two thousand dollars per annum. Such salary of a member of the legislature shall be payable in twenty-six bi-weekly installments provided, however, that if legislative passage of the budget as defined […]
§ 5-a. Allowances for member serving as an officer of either house of the legislature or in a special capacity therein. 1. Any member of either house of the legislature serving as an officer of his house or in any other special capacity therein or directly connected therewith shall be paid an allowance in accordance […]
§ 5-b. Limit on outside earned income by members. 1. Effective January first, two thousand twenty-five a member of the legislature receiving a salary for legislative work from the state of New York shall be permitted to earn outside income each year for performing fee for service activities and compensated outside activities approved under the […]
§ 6. Officers and employees of the senate. 1. The senate may choose a secretary, a sergeant-at-arms, and an official stenographer. The secretary of the senate shall be elected for the term of the senate. If the senate shall be unable to choose any such officer at the time of the organization of the senate, […]
§ 7. Officers and employees of the assembly. The assembly may choose a clerk, a sergeant-at-arms and a stenographer. When an appropriation has been made for the services, temporary or otherwise, of officers and employees of the assembly and their appointment is not otherwise authorized by law, the speaker of the assembly may appoint such […]
§ 7-a. Legislative library, librarian and assistants. There shall be a legislative library to be located in the state capitol in rooms assigned by the commissioner of general services, conveniently accessible to the members of both houses of legislature, and such library shall be open throughout the year. Such library shall be suitably furnished, equipped […]
§ 7-b. Legislative emergency health station. 1. There shall be a legislative emergency health station, available for the use of members and employees of both houses of the legislature, and official reporters of the senate and assembly duly designated upon certificate of the legislative correspondent’s association, to be located on the third floor of the […]
§ 7-c. Member of assembly defined. The term “member of assembly” shall include assemblyman and assemblywoman.
§ 7-d. Employees of the legislature. Employees of any legislative committee, commission, task force, council or similar body, where all the members of such body are members of the legislature, shall be considered to be employees of the legislature for all purposes.
§ 7-e. Assistive listening system for the deaf and hard of hearing. (a) The temporary president of the senate and the speaker of the assembly shall have the power and it shall be their individual duty to equip the senate chambers, the assembly chambers and any hearing rooms located in the legislative office building in […]
§ 7-f. Assembly historian. The speaker of the assembly may appoint an official historian, who shall compile an annual record of significant assembly accomplishments during each year and submit to the speaker such written record within one hundred twenty days after the close of each session. The historian shall serve without compensation, at the pleasure […]
§ 7-g. Senate historian. The temporary president of the senate may appoint an official historian, who shall compile an annual record of significant senate accomplishments during each year and submit to the temporary president such written record within one hundred twenty days after the close of each session. The historian shall serve without compensation, at […]
§ 8. Appointments to be filed with the comptroller. All appointments made under this chapter shall be filed with the respective secretary or clerk of the house wherein made, and certified to the comptroller by the appointing officer with a statement of the date of appointment and the compensation. In case of the death, resignation […]