US Lawyer Database

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141 – Height.

§ 141. Height. Any such dwelling which is seventy-five feet or less in height above the curb level and has six stories or less may be of non-fireproof construction.

144 – Egress From Dwellings.

§ 144. Egress from dwellings. 1. A dwelling three or more stories in height shall have at least two means of egress extending to the roof from an entrance story, street, court or yard. The entrances to such means of egress at every story shall be at least fifteen feet distant from each other unless […]

145 – Fire-Escapes.

§ 145. Fire-escapes. Every fire-escape shall be located, arranged, constructed and maintained as provided in section fifty-three.

146 – Egress From Apartments.

§ 146. Egress from apartments. 1. There shall be at least two means of egress from every apartment or suite. Such means shall be remote from each other. Except where it opens into a stair as permitted in subdivision three, one means shall be to a public hall connecting with a stair, fire-stair or fire-tower, […]

147 – Bulkheads and Scuttles.

§ 147. Bulkheads and scuttles. 1. Except as otherwise provided in subdivision two of this section, every required stair, fire-stair and fire-tower in dwellings three stories or more in height shall have a bulkhead constructed as provided for fireproof dwellings in section one hundred four, except that the bulkhead of any required stair which is […]

148 – Public Stairs.

§ 148. Public stairs. 1. Every stair, fire-stair and fire-tower shall, except as otherwise provided in subdivisions three and four of this section and section one hundred forty-nine, be constructed as provided for fire-stairs in sections one hundred two and one hundred five for fireproof dwellings. 2. Every stair, fire-stair and fire-tower shall be at […]

149 – Public Halls.

§ 149. Public halls. 1. Every public hall shall be everywhere at least three feet in clear width. 2. Every public hall shall be completely enclosed with fireproof floor, ceiling and walls, and, in dwellings erected under plans filed in the department after September first, nineteen hundred fifty-one, such hall shall be separated from every […]

150 – Cellar and Basement Stairs.

§ 150. Cellar and basement stairs. 1. Except as otherwise provided in this section, there shall be no inside stair communicating between the lowest cellar or the lowest story, if there be no cellar, and the floor next above, but any stair communicating between such floors shall be located outside the dwelling and if enclosed […]

151 – Spaces Under Stairs.

§ 151. Spaces under stairs. 1. It shall be unlawful to have a closet of any kind under any public stair. 2. The space beneath every stair from the foot of the stair to a point where the soffit is four feet or more above the floor shall be entirely enclosed with unpierced fire-retarded partitions. […]

152 – Fire-Stopping.

§ 152. Fire-stopping. 1. In every wall where wooden furring is used every course of masonry from the under side to the top of any floor beams shall project a distance of at least two inches beyond each face of the wall that is not on the outside of the dwelling; and whenever floor beams […]