* § 60. Short title. This article shall be known and may be cited and referred to as the “municipal housing authorities law.” * NB The text of Article 5 of the former State Housing Law (cited herein as the “Municipal Housing Authorities Law”), as such article existed immediately prior to its repeal pursuant to […]
* § 68. Projects. An authority shall file with the board a copy of each proposed project embodying the plans, layout, estimated costs and proposed method of financing. The board shall with reasonable promptness transmit to the authority its criticisms and suggestions. Any change made in the project shall be filed with the board by […]
* § 69. Acquisition of property. 1. When an authority has determined that unsanitary or substandard housing conditions exist in a section or sections of the municipality, it may secure options on real property in such areas or elsewhere. No authority may purchase or condemn or obligate itself to purchase or condemn real property except […]
* § 70. Eminent domain. 1. The power of eminent domain may be exercised by or for an authority after the adoption by it of a resolution declaring that the acquisition of the property described therein is in the public interest and necessary for the public use and that such property is included in an […]
* § 71. Sale or lease of projects to limited dividend corporations. 1. A public limited dividend corporation may lease or purchase a project or a part thereof from an authority. The lease or sale shall be upon such terms including limitation of rentals, regulation of occupancy, recapture by the authority or by the municipality, […]
* § 72. Bonds and security therefor. 1. An authority may from time to time issue bonds in such amounts and upon such terms as it may deem advisable to carry out the provisions of this article. Bonds of an authority shall be authorized by its resolution an may be issued singly or in one […]
* § 73. Non-liability of state or municipality. The bonds or other obligations of an authority shall not be a debt of the state or the municipality and neither the state nor the municipality shall be liable thereon nor shall an authority have power in any way to pledge the credit of the state or […]
* § 74. Tax exemptions. 1. An authority shall be exempt from the payment of any taxes or fees to the state or any subdivision thereof or to any officer or employee of the state or subdivision thereof. 2. Bonds and mortgages of an authority are declared to be issued for a public purpose and […]
* § 75. Foreclosure and other remedies. 1. In an action to foreclose a mortgage on real property of an authority, the authority and the municipality, in addition to all other necessary parties, shall be made parties defendant and shall take such steps in said action as may be necessary to protect the public interest […]
* § 76. Dissolution. An authority or the city may apply to the supreme court in any county in which the city or any part thereof is located, for an order dissolving the authority. The court thereupon shall hold a hearing in open court after such notice of hearing as the court may require. Upon […]
* § 77. Miscellaneous. 1. For the purposes of the application of the lien law and of the general corporation law an authority shall be deemed to be a municipal corporation. The term “public improvement” used in the lien law shall be deemed to include an improvement upon real property belonging to an authority; the […]
* § 78. Effect of partial invalidity. If any provision of this article or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this article and of the application of such provision to other persons and circumstances shall not be affected thereby. * NB The text of […]