§ 175. Definition of an armory. The word “armory” whenever used in this chapter shall include any building, buildings, vessel, vessels, quarters or other facilities and real property devoted to the use of the organized militia and designated as an armory by the adjutant general. In no case shall one building which is wholly devoted […]
§ 176. Dock facilities for the New York naval militia. 1. The adjutant general is hereby authorized and empowered to furnish dock facilities including wharves, piers, bulkheads, slips, basins, docks and water fronts for the use of the New York naval militia and to determine their suitability and adequateness. 2. The department, bureau, officer or […]
§ 177. Acquisition of real property for armories and other military facilities of the state. 1. The adjutant general, provided that funds have been appropriated or provided by the state or by the United States or by both for such purposes, is authorized to acquire by purchase or gifts or, pursuant to the provisions of […]
§ 177-a. Authorization of municipal corporations to convey or lease to the state real property for armories and other military purposes and to acquire real property for such purposes. Whenever the title to any real property required for an armory, camp, range, base, building, structure or other facility or purpose for the organized militia, is […]
§ 178. Construction, leasing, equipping and maintenance of armories. 1. The adjutant general, whenever he shall deem it necessary and provided that funds have been appropriated or provided by the state or by the United States or by both for such purposes, is authorized to construct, reconstruct, expand, convert, lease, repair, alter, rehabilitate, improve, demolish, […]
§ 179. Costs of construction, repair, maintenance and operation of armories, camps, ranges and other facilities, a charge upon the state. 1. The costs of construction, reconstruction, repair, rehabilitation and improvement of armories, camps, ranges, bases, buildings, structures and other facilities under the jurisdiction of the division of military and naval affairs, including armories and […]
§ 180. Armories and other facilities in the city of New York. 1. All armories and other facilities located in the city of New York and devoted to the use of the organized militia, title to which is vested in the corporation of the city of New York, and all armory equipment, furnishings, materials and […]
§ 180-a. Lease and operation of seventh regiment armory. 1. Definitions. (a) “Adjutant general” shall mean adjutant general of the state of New York. (b) “Armory” shall mean the seventh regiment armory located at 101-129 East 66th street, 100-126 East 67th street, 888-898 Lexington avenue and 641-649 Park avenue, in the county of New York, […]
§ 181. Procurement of federal funds for construction, et cetera. 1. The division of military and naval affairs is hereby designated as the agency of the state (a) to take such steps, not inconsistent with law, as may be necessary to develop programs for the expenditure of federal funds and to procure the allotment of […]
§ 182. Control of armories and other facilities. 1. All armories, arsenals, camps, ranges, bases and other facilities owned, leased or maintained by the state or by the United States for the use of the organized militia and all activities conducted therein shall be under the general charge and control of and shall be regulated […]
§ 183. Use of armories. 1. Armories may be used as follows: a. By members and units of the organized militia and cadet corps of such units. b. On application of one or more posts or chapters of the United Spanish War Veterans, the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, […]
§ 185. Disposal of useless property. Whenever state property issued for the use of the organized militia shall become obsolete, useless or superfluous, the adjutant general may cause the same to be sold or otherwise disposed of in accordance with the provisions of the state finance law.
§ 186. Disposition of real property of the state devoted to the use of the organized militia. Whenever the adjutant general shall determine that any real property owned by the state and devoted to the use of the organized militia is no longer needed or adapted for such use, he may, with the approval of […]
§ 187. Armory employees; grades, employment, duties and compensation. 1. Positions created to provide for the security, maintenance and operation of armories, including the surrounding premises and public property located therein, notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, shall be classified and allocated to salary grades for comparable positions in the classified service of the […]
§ 188. Annual increments; compensation on promotion, demotion, transfer, reclassification, reinstatement or reallocation. 1. Any employee holding a position or employed pursuant to provisions of section one hundred eighty-seven of this chapter shall receive the minimum compensation of the classification or grade to which his position is allocated, plus the number of increments which corresponds […]
§ 189. Qualifications of armory employees; membership in New York state employees’ retirement system. 1. The employees authorized by this section shall be residents of the state who shall by employed by the adjutant general upon the recommendation of the officer in charge and control of the armory. 2. All persons employed under this article […]