§ 170. Water supply. The owner shall provide proper appliances to receive and distribute in such dwelling an adequate supply of water obtained from the public water supply system or from a source approved by the public health officer having jurisdiction at all times when the building is occupied and during all hours and hot […]
§ 171. Water-closet and bath accommodations. 1. Every dwelling arranged for permanent occupancy shall contain a water-closet in every apartment. 2. The floor of every compartment, bathroom or general toilet room shall be made waterproof and such waterproofing shall extend six inches or more above the floor so that the floor can be washed or […]
§ 172. Plumbing and drainage. All liquid or water-borne waste from plumbing fixtures shall be conveyed by a house drain and house sewer to a street sewer or to a combined street storm water main and sewer, unless no such sewers are available. Where neither kind of sewer is available, provision shall be made for […]
§ 173. Heating. Every new dwelling shall be provided with heat in all living rooms sufficient to maintain the minimum temperatures required by local law, ordinances, rules or regulation, or by the local public health officer, provided, however, that such minimum temperature shall, notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision one of section three hundred twenty-nine of […]
§ 174. Repairs and cleanliness. The owner shall keep all and every part of a dwelling and the lot on which it is situated in good repair, clean and free from vermin, rodents, dirt, filth, garbage or other thing or matter dangerous to life or health; but the tenant shall also be liable if a […]