§ 35-d. Aquatic invasive species signs at public boat launches. 1. The department of environmental conservation shall design and establish universal signage which may be posted at any access point to the navigable waters of the state relating to the threat and mitigation of aquatic invasive species, as defined in subdivision ten of section 9-1703 […]
§ 36. Removal of unauthorized floating object. No unattended floating object shall be anchored within the navigable waters of the state for any purpose, except as same may be authorized under the United States laws, rules and regulations or by section thirty-five and thirty-five-a of this chapter or by local ordinances as may be duly […]
§ 37. Public use of privately owned navigable waters. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to privately owned navigable waters to which the public has or is granted access, for compensation or otherwise, for boating, bathing, swimming or other recreational uses or purposes.
§ 38. Lake George water levels. Any dam or other similar structure so located in the outlet of Lake George as to affect the water levels of the lake shall, with due allowance for fluctuations due to natural causes or to emergencies and for a reasonable use of water for power and for sanitary purposes, […]
§ 39. Motor boat regulation on Lake George. 1. Definitions. The term “motor boat” shall be deemed to mean and include a mechanically propelled vessel having a source of power other than propulsion by wind propelled sail or human propelled oar or paddle. The term shall also include a craft temporarily or permanently equipped with […]
§ 39-a. Motor boat regulation on Lake Colby. 1. The term “motor boat” shall mean and include a mechanically propelled vessel having a source of power in excess of ten horsepower other than propulsion by wind propelled sail or human propelled oar or paddle. Such term shall also include a vessel temporarily or permanently equipped […]