US Lawyer Database

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5.01 – Council.

§ 5.01 Council. There shall continue to be in the office a state council of parks and outdoor recreation, to be hereafter called the state council of parks, recreation and historic preservation. The commissioner shall be a member of the council and shall coordinate the functions and activities of the office with those of the […]

5.03 – Chairman; Officers.

§ 5.03 Chairman; officers. The governor shall designate a chairman and vice-chairman from among the members of the council, exclusive of the commissioners of environmental conservation and parks, recreation and historic preservation, to hold such offices at his pleasure. The council may provide for its organization and appoint such other officers from among its members […]

5.05 – Meetings.

§ 5.05 Meetings. The council shall hold regular meetings at least four times a year at such times and places as it may direct, and special meetings when authorized and called as prescribed in its by-laws. Members of the council may be represented at its meetings by a commissioner of their respective commissions, or a […]

5.07 – Office.

§ 5.07 Office. The commissioner shall provide such suitable office space for the council as may be required.

5.09 – Powers, Functions and Duties.

§ 5.09 Powers, functions and duties. The council shall: 1. Review the policy, budget and statewide plans of the department, and make appropriate recommendations regarding their amendment or adoption. 2. Submit reports to the governor, not less than once each year, concerning progress in the area of state parks, recreation and historic preservation, including recommendations […]