1025 – Short Title.
* § 1025. Short title. This title may be cited as the “Albany Light, Heat and Power Authority Act.” * NB Terminated July 1, 1963
* § 1025. Short title. This title may be cited as the “Albany Light, Heat and Power Authority Act.” * NB Terminated July 1, 1963
* § 1026. Albany Light, Heat and Power Authority. There is hereby defined and established an area in the county of Albany to be known as the “Albany light, heat and power district,” which shall embrace all the territory comprised within the cities of Albany, Cohoes and Watervliet, the villages of Ravena, Green Island, Colonie, […]
* § 1027. Members of authority. The members, constituting the board of directors of the authority, shall consist of not exceeding five persons, to be appointed by the board of supervisors of Albany county. Three members shall when appointed be residents of the city of Albany and shall be appointed by such board on designation […]
* § 1028. Enlargement of district. Whenever it shall appear to the board of supervisors that the area included within the district should be extended it shall adopt a resolution stating the additional territory to be included which may be all the territory within one or more named municipalities or by adequate description a part […]
* § 1029. Powers of the board. The power conferred by this title shall be exercised by the board of directors of the authority, subject to the terms of such title. In the exercise of those powers, either directly or through its officers and employees, the board may do the following things, among others, and […]
* § 1030. Deposit for temporary possession of property. Whenever the authority, in any proceedings instituted by it for the acquisition of any existing plant or plants by condemnation, shall make application for temporary possession pursuant to the provisions of section twenty-four of the condemnation law, the sum to be fixed by the court for […]
* § 1031. Properties acquired by the authority. The board of supervisors, when appointing the authority, may adopt a resolution providing, or it may by later agreement with the authority provide, that all properties acquired by the authority shall be acquired in or transferred to the name of the county or taken and held by […]
* § 1032. Power to furnish service within district. The authority shall have power to construct or acquire, by purchase or condemnation, or to lease, and to equip, own and operate, within or without the territorial limits of the county, any plant, works, structures, poles, lines, wires, conduits, mains, systems, waterpower, franchises, and any and […]
* § 1033. Power to contract with municipalities within district. The authority shall also have power to contract with the governing body of any municipality within the district with a view to the construction, acquisition, maintenance and operation of any such service for or within such municipality and except in the case of towns when […]
* § 1034. Sale of surplus. Whenever the productive capacity of the plants and properties of the authority together with any gas or electrical energy which it may acquire from other sources, creates a surplus over the amount of light, heat and power, in any of such services, required by the municipalities and residents of […]
* § 1035. Bonds of the authority. The bonds, certificates of indebtedness and other obligations of the authority, unless disposed of to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, the federal emergency administrator of public works or any other federal agency, shall be sold at public sale at not less than par. A resolution or resolutions authorizing any […]
* § 1036. Referendum. No bonds shall be issued under this title by the authority in an aggregate amount at any time outstanding exceeding ten million dollars. No such bonds shall be issued by the authority without the approval of a majority of the electors of the district voting on the question of such approval. […]
* § 1037. State and county not liable on bonds. The bonds and other obligations of the authority shall not be a debt of the state or of the county, and, subject to section one thousand forty-one, the board shall have no power to make them payable out of any funds except those of the […]
* § 1038. When bonds legal investments for fiduciaries. On or before January first of each year commencing with the year nineteen hundred thirty-six, the comptroller shall file with the superintendent of banks his certificate stating the average annual revenues of the authority, or of the properties acquired or to be acquired by the authority, […]
* § 1039. Exemption from taxation. The real and personal property of the authority shall be exempt from all taxation, and so shall all of its activities and operations, except that the owners of its bonds and other obligations shall be subject to transfer and estate taxes. * NB Terminated July 1, 1963
* § 1040. Remedies of bondholders. 1. If, and to the extent, and in the events, provided in the resolution authorizing the bonds, the holders of not less than twenty-five per centum in the aggregate principal amount of bonds at any time outstanding, may by instrument or instruments filed in the office of the clerk […]
* § 1041. County may levy tax within district. Should it appear to the board of supervisors at any time that the revenue of the authority is or will be insufficient to provide for the payment of any bonds issued under this title and to reimburse the county for any moneys that it may have […]
* § 1042. Examination by comptroller. The state comptroller and his legally authorized representatives are hereby authorized and empowered from time to time and when requested by the authority the comptroller is hereby directed, to examine the accounts and books of the authority, including its receipts, disbursements, contracts, leases, sinking funds, investments and any other […]
* § 1043. Title not affected if in part unconstitutional or ineffective. If any section, clause or provision of this title shall be unconstitutional or be ineffective in whole or in part, in its terms or in its operation, to the extent that it is not unconstitutional or ineffective it shall be valid and effective […]
* § 1044. Inconsistent provisions in other acts superseded. In so far as the provisions of this title are inconsistent with the provisions of any other act, general or special, the provisions of this title shall be controlling. * NB Terminated July 1, 1963