1074 – Short Title.
§ 1074. Short title. This title may be cited as the “Suffolk County Water Authority Act.”
§ 1074. Short title. This title may be cited as the “Suffolk County Water Authority Act.”
§ 1075. Statement of purpose. Prior to the enactment of section five of article ten of the constitution (effective on January first, nineteen hundred thirty-nine) public benefit corporations could be created pursuant to general law and chapter eight hundred forty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred thirty-four, as amended, authorized the creation of county water […]
§ 1076. Definitions. As used or referred to in this title, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context, 1. The term “authority” shall mean the corporation heretofore created pursuant to the provisions of chapter eight hundred forty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred thirty-four and thereafter continued pursuant to the provisions of article […]
§ 1077. Suffolk county water authority. 1. The corporate existence of the Suffolk county water authority, heretofore created pursuant to the provisions of chapter eight hundred forty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred thirty-four and thereafter continued pursuant to the provisions of article seven of the county law, is hereby continued for the purposes and […]
§ 1078. Powers. The powers and duties of the authority shall be as follows: 1. To sue and be sued. 2. To have a seal and alter the same. 3. To acquire, in the name of the authority, lease, hold and dispose of property or any interest therein for its corporate purposes, including the power […]
§ 1078-a. Sale of water. The authority shall not refuse to sell water service to residential tenants for the sole reason that the premises of such tenants receiving water service are rented.
§ 1078-b. Discontinuance procedures. No discontinuance or disconnection of any supply of water shall be carried out except in the manner and upon the notice as is required of a water-works corporation pursuant to subdivisions three-a, three-b and three-c of section eighty-nine-b and section one hundred sixteen of the public service law.
§ 1078-c. Water metering. The authority shall meter service to its customers within two years of the effective date of this section.
§ 1078-d. Additional powers of the county of Suffolk and towns and villages within Suffolk county. 1. a. In addition to any powers granted by any general or special law, the board of supervisors of the county of Suffolk, acting on behalf of the county, and any town board or village board of trustees of […]
§ 1078-e. Acquisition by eminent domain. Notwithstanding any provision of the eminent domain procedure law to the contrary, in any proceeding brought by the authority pursuant to such law, title shall vest in the authority and compensation shall be paid only (a) upon a decision by the supreme court that compensation for the real property […]
§ 1078-f. Charges by authority; method of collection. All rates, fees and other charges for the use or availability of the facilities or services or commodities provided or made available by the authority and billed directly by the authority to the user or service recipient pursuant to a classification of person adopted by the authority […]
§ 1079. Survey of water resources. The board of supervisors of Suffolk county may, by resolution, appropriate a sum of money to defray the preliminary expenses of such authority so created and may thereafter appropriate such sums as may be required, for the purpose of making a survey of the water resources of the said […]
§ 1080. Bonds. 1. The authority shall have power and is hereby authorized from time to time to issue its negotiable bonds in conformity with applicable provisions of the uniform commercial code. Such bonds shall be authorized by resolution of the authority and shall bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times […]
§ 1080-a. Notes of the authority. The authority shall have power and is hereby authorized to issue negotiable bond anticipation notes in conformity with applicable provisions of the uniform commercial code and may renew the same from time to time but the maximum maturity of any such note, including renewals thereof, shall not exceed five […]
§ 1081. Bonds as legal investments. The bonds herein authorized are hereby made securities in which all public officers and bodies of this state and all municipalities and municipal subdivisions, all insurance companies and associations and other persons carrying on an insurance business, all banks, bankers, trust companies, savings banks and savings associations, including savings […]
§ 1082. Bonds and property of the authority exempt from taxation. It is hereby determined that the creation of the authority and the carrying out of its corporate purposes is in all respects for the benefit of the people of the county, and is a public purpose, and the authority shall be regarded as performing […]
§ 1083. State, county and municipalities not liable on bonds. The bonds of the authority shall not be a debt of the state of New York or of the county or of any municipality in the county, and neither the state nor the county nor any municipality in the county shall be liable thereon, nor […]
§ 1084. Agreements of the state. The state of New York does pledge to and agree with the holders of the bonds that the state will not limit or alter the rights hereby vested in the authority to acquire, construct, maintain, operate, reconstruct and improve the properties, to establish and collect the revenues, rates, rentals, […]
§ 1085. Contracts for sale of water wholesale. Any municipality is hereby authorized to contract with the authority for the purchase of water from the authority at wholesale for a period not exceeding thirty years except that, in the case of a fire protection district or a fire alarm district such period shall not exceed […]
§ 1086. Audit of authority; annual report. In conformity with the provisions of section five of article ten of the constitution, the accounts of the authority shall be subject to the supervision of the state comptroller and such state comptroller and his legally authorized representatives are hereby authorized and empowered from time to time to […]