2650 – Short Title.
§ 2650. Short title. This title shall be known and may be cited as the “Schenectady Metroplex Development Authority Act”.
§ 2650. Short title. This title shall be known and may be cited as the “Schenectady Metroplex Development Authority Act”.
§ 2651. Statement of legislative findings. It is hereby found, determined and declared that there is an immediate need to institute a comprehensive, coordinated program of economic development activities in the Route 5 and Route 7 corridors of Schenectady county, especially in the downtown region of the city of Schenectady. It is further found, determined […]
§ 2652. Definitions. As used or referred to in this title, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context: 1. The term “authority” shall mean the public benefit corporation created by section twenty-six hundred fifty-three of this title. 2. The term “board” shall mean the members of the authority created in section twenty-six hundred […]
§ 2653. Schenectady metroplex development authority. 1. The Schenectady metroplex development authority is hereby created. Such authority shall be a body corporate and politic constituting a public benefit corporation. The governing body of the authority shall be a board. The authority shall consist of eleven members who are residents of Schenectady county, appointed by a […]
§ 2654. Schenectady metroplex service district. 1. The Schenectady metroplex service district shall include all real property within the county of Schenectady, from the Albany county/Schenectady county border to the Montgomery county/Schenectady county border, and within thirty-five hundred feet of Route 5, except from the intersection of Route 5/State Street and Brandywine Avenue to the […]
§ 2655. General purposes and powers of the authority. The general purposes of the authority shall be to design, develop, plan, finance, create, site, construct, renovate, administer, operate, manage, and maintain all metroplex facilities and metroplex parks within the service district defined in section twenty-six hundred fifty-four of this title. To carry out such purposes […]
§ 2655-a. Bylaws of the authority. 1. The board shall draft proposed bylaws for the organization and procedure of the authority. Such bylaws shall be consistent with the provisions of this title and all other state and federal laws, and shall contain a provision that such bylaws may only be amended after final adoption by […]
§ 2655-b. Public hearings of the authority. Prior to the adoption of any project where the authority would: 1. expend more than five hundred thousand dollars; 2. borrow money or issue bonds pursuant to subdivision four of section twenty-six hundred fifty-five of this title; or 3. condemn real property pursuant to section twenty-six hundred fifty-nine […]
§ 2655-c. Capital plan of the authority. On or before the first day of March, the authority shall annually produce, and present at a public hearing for public comment, a five-year capital projects plan, outlining the vision of its intended capital projects for the next five years. With respect to each project proposed in the […]
§ 2655-d. Reports of the authority. 1. In addition to any other report required by this title, the authority, through its chairman, shall annually deliver, in oral and written form, a report to the county legislature. Such report shall be presented by March fifteenth of each year to the county legislature’s standing committee on economic […]
§ 2656. Contracts. 1. Construction contracts let by the authority shall be in conformity with the applicable provisions of section one hundred thirty-five of the state finance law. 2. The authority may, in its discretion, assign contracts for supervision and coordination to the successful bidder for any subdivision of work for which the authority receives […]
§ 2657. Employees, civil service. 1. The appointment and promotion of all non-exempt/non-management confidential employees of the authority shall be made in accordance with the civil service law and the rules of the Schenectady county civil service commission. 2. In accordance with the provisions of section seventy of the civil service law, any officer or […]
§ 2658. Code of ethics. 1. As used in this section the term “authority employee” shall mean any member, officer or employee of the authority. 2. No authority employee shall have any interest, financial or otherwise, direct or indirect, or engage in any business or transaction or professional activity or incur any obligation of any […]
§ 2659. Acquisition of land. The authority, upon the terms and conditions approved by resolution of the authority, shall have the power to acquire real property located within the service district by purchase, lease or condemnation to accomplish its lawful purposes. It shall also have the power to sell, lease or otherwise dispose of real […]
§ 2660. Request for state assistance. 1. Should the chairman of the authority determine that state assistance is necessary for the authority to achieve its lawful goals, powers and purposes, the chairman may annually may make and deliver to the director of the budget, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of […]
§ 2661. Request for municipal assistance. 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law to the contrary, the county of Schenectady may transfer to the authority from funds appropriated by the county legislature for the fiscal year beginning nineteen hundred ninety-eight, and each fiscal year thereafter, the amount the county deems necessary to […]
§ 2662. Private donations. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law to the contrary, any person may donate, give, tender or provide, and the authority may receive, private monies to assist the authority in its successful operation and achievement of its lawful goals, powers and purposes.
§ 2663. Monies of the authority. 1. All monies of the authority from whatever source derived shall be paid to the treasurer of the authority and shall be deposited forthwith in a bank or banks designated by the authority. The monies in such accounts shall be paid out or withdrawn on the order of such […]
§ 2664. Return of moneys to the county of Schenectady. 1. In the event that the revenues of the authority exceed its current liabilities by more than fifty percent at the end of its first fiscal year, or by more than ten percent at the end of its fiscal year of each fiscal year after […]
§ 2665. Bonds or notes of the authority. 1. The authority shall have the power and is hereby authorized from time to time to issue bonds, notes or other obligations in conformity with applicable provisions of the uniform commercial code to pay the cost of any project, the establishment of reserves to secure the bonds, […]