1699-D – Short Title.
§ 1699-d. Short title. This title shall be known and may be cited as the “health care financing consolidation act.”
§ 1699-d. Short title. This title shall be known and may be cited as the “health care financing consolidation act.”
§ 1699-e. Definitions. 1. “Agency” shall mean the New York state medical care facilities finance agency created by section four of section one of chapter three hundred ninety-two of the laws of nineteen hundred seventy-three, as amended, and operating pursuant to the New York state medical care facilities finance agency act. 2. “Authority” shall mean […]
§ 1699-f. Succession by authority to powers, duties and functions of the agency and corporation. 1. The authority hereby succeeds to the powers, duties and functions of each of the agency and the corporation, each of which shall continue its corporate existence in and through the authority. The agency shall not be deemed to have […]
§ 1699-g. Separability. If any section, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or provision of this title shall be unconstitutional or be ineffective in whole or in part, to the extent that it is not unconstitutional or ineffective, it shall be valid or effective and no other section, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or provision shall on account […]
§ 1699-h. Reports. The board of directors of the dormitory authority shall report on progress in implementing the succession of the medical care facilities finance agency and the facilities development corporation into the dormitory authority by March first, nineteen hundred ninety-six and shall issue a final report on September first, nineteen hundred ninety-six. Such reports […]
§ 1699-i. Transfer of employees. A transfer of employees effected as a consequence of the transfer of functions pursuant to any provision of this title shall be governed by this section: 1. Such transfers shall be subject to section seventy of the civil service law; or, where not subject to civil service, the provisions of […]
§ 1699-j. Audit and annual report. In conformity with the provisions of section five of article ten of the constitution, the accounts of the authority shall be subject to an annual management and financial audit performed by an independent certified accountant selected by the authority. The authority shall annually submit to the chair and ranking […]