§ 1380. Definitions. As used in this title: 1. “Solid waste management facility” means any area or site, structure, facility or equipment used for or in connection with methods including, but not limited to shredding, compression, high-temperature incineration, pyrolization, separation or any other technology for resource recovery, transporting, storing, or the final placement and disposal […]
§ 1381. State aid. 1. The commissioner may in the name of the state make or contract to make, within the limitation of the appropriations therefor, a state grant for payment to any municipality or to two or more municipalities jointly of not more than fifty per cent of the entire cost of the preparation […]
§ 1382. Powers and duties of the commissioner. In administering and enforcing the provisions of this title, the commissioner shall: 1. make an estimate of funds or appropriations for inclusion annually in the executive budget; 2. receive applications for state aid in such form and containing such information as he may require; 3. qualify municipalities […]
§ 1383. Powers of municipalities. Any municipality or municipalities acting jointly may: 1. apply to and contract with the commissioner for state aid pursuant to this title; 2. enter into contracts for consulting engineering services for the preparation of detailed plans for the construction of solid waste management facilities or the improvement of existing solid […]