3350 – Dispensing Prohibition.
§ 3350. Dispensing prohibition. Controlled substances may not be prescribed for, or administered or dispensed to addicts or habitual users of controlled substances, except as provided by this title or title III.
§ 3350. Dispensing prohibition. Controlled substances may not be prescribed for, or administered or dispensed to addicts or habitual users of controlled substances, except as provided by this title or title III.
§ 3351. Dispensing for medical use. 1. Controlled substances may be prescribed for, or administered or dispensed to an addict or habitual user: (a) during emergency medical treatment unrelated to abuse of controlled substances; (b) who is a bona fide patient suffering from an incurable and fatal disease such as cancer or advanced tuberculosis; (c) […]
§ 3352. Reports and records. Persons certified pursuant to article thirty-two of the mental hygiene law to operate methadone maintenance treatment programs shall keep records showing the receipt, administration, dispensing, or destruction of all controlled substances and documenting each incident or alleged incident involving the theft, loss or possible diversion of controlled substances and shall […]