§ 10. Power to investigate before grant. Before granting any lands or any interest therein, including lands under water, the commissioner of general services may summarily inquire into the rights of the person applying for such grant, on such proof as, by regulation, the commissioner may prescribe. The commissioner may take testimony and proofs in […]
§ 11. Power to confirm defective grant. Whenever a sale is lawfully made, or directed to be made by the commissioner of general services, or has been made by his predecessor, the board of commissioners of the land office, including a sale of land under water, if, at the time of the making of the […]
§ 12. Certain patents and grants ratified. All patents of lands issued before July eleventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, pursuant to resolutions of the commissioners of the land office, and sold by them at private sale to purchasers in good faith, purporting to convey the right, title and interest of the people of this state […]
§ 12-a. Certain patents ratified and confirmed. Patents of real property escheated to the state, granted before the sixteenth day of May, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, pursuant to resolutions of the commissioners of the land office, adopted under or in pursuance of chapter two hundred and seventy-nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety, […]
§ 13. Grants to heirs, devisees or successors in interest. Where an application for a grant of land, including land under water, is made by any person who dies before a grant is ordered or issued, the heirs or devisees of such person shall be entitled to such grant as if the application had been […]
§ 14. Time of performing conditions of grant. 1. The commissioner of general services may, unless otherwise provided, fix a reasonable time, not less than one year, for the performance of conditions by the grantees of lands, including lands under water, directed to be granted on the performance of conditions. If such conditions are not […]
§ 15. Prohibitions as to grants in Lake George. 1. No grant or lease of any of the islands in Lake George, or of any land upon any of such islands, shall be made by the commissioner of general services. 2. No grant or lease of any lands under water in Lake George shall be […]
§ 15-a. Filling in the state owned bed of Lake George prohibited. 1. No person or corporation shall fill in or cause to be filled in any land of the state of New York lying below the mean low water line of Lake George by dumping or placing rock, stone, concrete, dirt or other similar […]
§ 16. Reservation of Esopus island. Esopus island, in Dutchess county, is reserved from settlement, occupancy, lease or sale, and dedicated and set apart as a public park. The commissioner of general services shall have the same powers to protect such island from trespass as he has over other public lands.
§ 17. Payment of incumbrances on public lands; adverse claims; costs. The commissioner of general services, whenever he deems it for the best interest of the state may cause to be paid off and canceled any charges, assessments, or incumbrances, other than the lien of a tax under article ten of the tax law, existing […]
§ 17-a. Abandonment of claims under defective tax sales; recovery of taxes paid thereon by state. Where the claim of title of the state to any land is based on a tax sale, which title in the opinion of the attorney-general would be declared void by the courts, the commissioner of general services, on the […]
§ 18. Expenses chargeable to special funds. All expenses of surveys, appraisements or other expenses attendant on the sale of any lands belonging to any of the special funds of the state, shall be chargeable on and paid out of the funds, respectively, to which such lands belong.
§ 19. Taxes and assessments for local improvements on state lands. A person, body or board authorized to assess lands for local improvements or purposes, shall submit to the comptroller of the state an invoice of assessment on state lands, showing the purpose for which the assessment is made, the state lands assessed and the […]
§ 19-a. State aid; certain state-leased or state-owned lands. 1. State aid shall be payable to any city having a population of seventy-five thousand or more inhabitants, according to the most recent federal decennial census, when on any assessment roll the taxable assessed valuation in such city is decreased in any year by reason of […]
§ 19-b. State aid; certain state-owned or reacquired lands. 1. State aid shall be payable to any municipal corporation or special district as such terms are defined by section one hundred two of the real property tax law and hereinafter collectively referred to in this section as “taxing authority”, when on any assessment roll the […]
§ 2. State-owned real property inventory and management program. 1. Definitions. As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: a. “State agency” shall mean any department, division, board, commission, bureau, office or other agency of the state other than a public authority or public benefit corporation, except that for the purpose of subdivision […]
§ 20. Grants of lands in Onondaga salt springs reservation designated on certain map. All grants of lands made by the people of this state of any lands in the Onondaga salt springs reservation prior to March twenty-eight, in the year eighteen hundred forty-three, shall be deemed and considered as having been granted according to […]
§ 21. Conveyance of strips of abandoned canal lands and Onondaga salt springs reservation land. a. The commissioner of general services is authorized, in his discretion, to sell and convey at public or private sale, upon such terms and conditions as he may deem proper, all the right, title and interest of the state in […]
§ 22. Management of sand and gravel resources. 1. The commissioner of general services is authorized to manage, license and regulate the removal of sand, gravel or other material by dredging or otherwise from state owned land now or formerly under water, except such lands specified in subdivision two of this section, and to collect […]
§ 23. Disposition of moneys received from sale of certain state lands and sand and gravel thereon. All moneys received by the commissioner of general services from the sale of sand and gravel on, or from the sale of, any land of the state, or from the grant of rights or easements therein or thereover, […]