§ 180. Corporation, how formed. Any seven or more persons of full age, citizens of the United States, and a majority of them being residents of this state, who shall associate themselves for the purpose of founding and continuing one or more free churches, may make, sign and acknowledge, before any officer authorized to take […]
§ 181. Rights, powers and limitations. Upon the filing of such certificate the persons named therein as trustees, and their successors, being citizens of the United States and residents of this state, shall be a body politic and corporate, with all the rights, powers and duties, and subject to all the restrictions and obligations and […]
§ 182. Vacancies in boards of trustees. Any vacancies occurring in the said board of trustees shall be supplied by the remaining trustees at any legal meeting of the members; but there shall always be at least five members of the board who are not ministers of the gospel or priests of any denomination.
§ 182-a. Increasing number of trustees. The number of trustees may be increased to not exceeding eleven by said board of trustees at any legal meeting of the members, whereupon a certificate of such increase shall be made, signed, acknowledged and filed by the existing trustees in the manner provided by section one hundred and […]
§ 183. Seats and pews to be free. The seats and pews in every church, building or edifice, owned or occupied by any corporation organized under this article, shall be forever free for the occupation and use, during public worship, of all persons choosing to occupy the same, and conducting themselves with propriety, and no […]