§ 170. Street surface railroads; general provisions. The provisions of this article shall apply to every corporation which, under the provisions thereof, or of any other law, has constructed or shall construct or operate, or has been or shall be organized to construct or operate, a street surface railroad, or any extension or extensions, branch […]
§ 171. Consent of property owners and local authorities. A street surface railroad, or extensions or branches thereof, shall not be built, extended or operated unless the consent in writing acknowledged or proved as are deeds entitled to be recorded, of the owners in cities and villages of one-half in value, and in towns, not […]
§ 172. Consent of local authorities; how procured. The application for the consent of the local authorities shall be in writing and before acting thereon such authorities shall give public notice thereof and of the time and place when it will first be considered, which notice shall be published daily in any city for at […]
§ 173. Condition upon which consent shall be given; sale of franchise at public auction. The consent of the local authorities in any city having a population of three hundred thousand or more must contain the condition that the right, franchise and privilege of using any street, road, highway, avenue, park or public place shall […]
§ 173-a. The term “terminable permit” as used in this article shall mean and embrace every grant from a city, town or village of power, right or privilege to occupy or use any of the streets, roads, highways, avenues, parks or public places of such city, town or village for the construction and operation of […]
§ 173-b. Every city, town and village of this state, in addition to such powers as it may have relating to the granting of rights, privileges, franchises, powers or consents to use the streets, roads, highways, avenues, parks or public places for the construction and operation of street surface railroads within its corporate limits, shall […]
§ 173-c. Every city, town and village of this state shall have power, subject to the provisions of sections one hundred and seventy-three-a to one hundred and seventy-three-h, both inclusive, of this article, to enter into an agreement for the purchase of and to acquire by purchase all or any part of the property, plant […]
§ 173-d. Whenever any street surface railroad is or may be operated along or upon any of the streets, roads, highways, avenues, parks or public places of any city, town or village, as to the construction and operation of which railroad the conditions set forth in section one hundred and seventy-one of this article have […]
§ 173-e. The acceptance of a terminable permit, or the acceptance of an amendment to any existing license, grant, franchise, permit or consent incorporating therein the terms of a terminable permit, shall constitute a consent by the street surface railroad corporation or corporations, or other person, firm or corporation so accepting the same to the […]
§ 173-f. Every terminable permit, and every amendment to any existing license, grant, franchise, permit or consent incorporating therein the terms of a terminable permit, shall contain an irrevocable option for the purchase by the city, town or village, either directly or through its nominee or nominees, of all or any part of the property, […]
§ 173-g. Approval of permit or amendment by commissioner of transportation. No terminable permit and no amendment to any existing license, grant, franchise, permit or consent incorporating therein the provisions of a terminable permit, shall become operative or effective until it shall have been approved by the commissioner of transportation. The commissioner of transportation shall […]
§ 173-h. Existing license, grant, franchise, permit or consent reinstated on invalidity of amendment. In the event that an amendment to any existing license, grant, franchise, permit or consent shall subsequently be declared invalid for any reason, or in the event of the failure of the approval thereof by the commissioner of transportation under the […]
§ 174. Proceedings if property owners do not consent. If the consent of property owners required by any provision of this article can not be obtained, the corporation failing to obtain such consents may apply to the appellate division of the supreme court held in the department in which it is proposed to construct its […]
§ 175. Percentage of gross receipts to be paid in cities or villages; report of officers. Every corporation building or operating a railroad or branch or extension thereof, under the provisions of this article, or of chapter two hundred and fifty-two of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-four, within any city of the state […]
§ 176. Extension of route over rivers; terminus in other counties; when property owners withhold consent; supreme court may appoint commissioners. Any street railroad in operation in this state, which shall, by a two-thirds vote of its directors, decide to extend the route of its road, so as to cross a river over and by […]
§ 177. Use of tracks of other roads. Any railroad corporation in this state, whose cars are run and operated by horses or other motive power, authorized by this article, upon the surface of the street, excepting in the county of New York, may, for the purpose of enabling it to connect with and run […]
§ 178. Repair of streets; rate of speed; removal of ice and snow. Every street surface railroad corporation, so long as it shall continue to use or maintain any of its tracks in any street, avenue or public place in any city or village, shall have and keep in permanent repair that portion of such […]
§ 178-a. Headlights. Whenever the tracks of any street surface railway shall be laid upon the side of the roadway of any public highway or street, the headlights of such street surface railway shall be so arranged, adjusted and operated that no dazzling or dangerous beams of light shall be thrown upon the traveling portion […]
§ 179. Within what time road to be built. In case any street surface railroad corporation shall not commence the construction of its road, or of any extension or branch thereof, within one year after the consent of the local authorities and property owners or the determination of the appellate division of the supreme court […]
§ 180. Motive power. Any street surface railroad may operate any portion of its road by cable, electricity, or any power other than locomotive steam power, which said locomotive steam power is primarily generated by the locomotive propelling the cars, and in the use of which either escaping steam or smoke is visible, which may […]