130 – Enacted Without Section Heading.
§ 130. This article shall be known and may be cited as the “New York State Social Security Act. “
§ 130. This article shall be known and may be cited as the “New York State Social Security Act. “
§ 130-a. Declaration of policy. The legislature hereby determines that (1) employees of the state and its political subdivisions, their survivors and dependents, are entitled to the basic protection provided by the federal old-age and survivors insurance system, (2) such protection should be provided to as many of such employees as possible, regardless of whether […]
§ 131. Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms shall mean and include: 1. “Political subdivision.” A public corporation (other than a public corporation created pursuant to agreement or compact with another state or states), improvement district, and any other political subdivision of the state and the New York State School Boards Association, […]
§ 132. New York state social security agency established. There is hereby established in the state retirement system an agency of the state to be known as the “New York state social security agency.” The director shall have charge of such agency.
§ 133. Agreement with federal secretary. 1. The director is hereby authorized, on behalf of the state, to enter into an agreement with the federal secretary for the purpose of extending old-age and survivors insurance coverage to eligible employees of the state or of any political subdivision. 2. The agreement with the federal secretary shall […]
§ 134. Contributions by state employees. 1. Every employee of the state, whose services are covered by the agreement with the federal secretary entered into pursuant to section one hundred thirty-three of this chapter, shall be required to pay into the contribution fund for the period of such coverage contributions, with respect to wages, equal […]
§ 135. Contributions by the state. 1. On the certificate of the comptroller, or his designee, and after audit by and upon the warrant of the comptroller, there shall be paid into the contribution fund from time to time from moneys appropriated therefor, contributions with respect to wages of employees of the state covered under […]
§ 136. Agreements with political subdivisions. 1. By the adoption of a resolution in the manner provided by subdivision a of section thirty of this chapter, any political subdivision may elect to extend old-age and survivors insurance coverage to its eligible employees pursuant to this article. It shall thereupon submit to the director a proposed […]
§ 137. Termination of agreements with political subdivisions. 1. Upon the failure of any political subdivision to comply substantially with any provision of its agreement or any modification thereof, this article, or the regulations of the director, such agreement may be terminated by the director, consistent with the provisions of the federal social security act. […]
§ 138. Contributions by political subdivisions and employees thereof. 1. Each political subdivision, the agreement of which has been approved, is hereby authorized and directed to pay into the contribution fund at such time or times as the director may prescribe in his regulations, contributions with respect to wages of its employees covered thereunder equal […]
§ 138-a. Referenda among public employees; extension of old-age and survivors insurance. 1. As soon as practicable after the effective date hereof, the governor or the state agency or officer designated by him shall, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the federal social security act and subdivision thirteen of this section, authorize the separate […]
§ 138-b. Use of annuity contributions to pay old-age and survivors insurance contributions. 1. Where a retirement system or plan provides retirement allowances consisting of separate pensions and separate annuities, each member thereof whose position is also covered by old-age and survivors insurance pursuant to this article and each member thereof whose wages in a […]
§ 139. Costs of administration. 1. On and after April first, nineteen hundred fifty-five, the state and each political subdivision extending old-age and survivors insurance coverage to its employees shall contribute to the annual cost of administering the provisions of this article. The director, during the month of March, nineteen hundred fifty-six, and at the […]
§ 140. Recovery of delinquent payments. Amounts due from political subdivisions under sections one hundred thirty-eight and one hundred thirty-nine of this chapter and which are unpaid after the final date for their payment, may, at the request of the director and after written notice to the fiscal officer of the political subdivision liable therefor, […]
§ 141. Contribution fund. 1. There is hereby established a special fund to be known as the social security contribution fund, which shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of this section and the state finance law. Such fund shall consist of, and there shall be credited to such fund, all contributions due and […]
§ 143. Restriction on use of retirement or pension funds. No moneys belonging to any public administered and operated retirement or pension system or plan shall be appropriated or used for any purpose, or for any payment, authorized or required by this article.
§ 144. Regulations. The director shall prescribe such regulations as may be required for the effective administration of the provisions of this article.
§ 145. Limitations on obligations. Old-age and survivors insurance coverage provided pursuant to this article shall not constitute membership in a pension or retirement system of the state or of a political subdivision thereof, nor shall such coverage create a contractual relationship between the state or a political subdivision thereof, and any employee.
§ 146. References in laws and documents. Reference in any general, special or local law, rule, regulation or public document to an existing section, subdivision or other provision of article six of the civil service law, as in force immediately prior to July first, nineteen hundred fifty-six, shall be deemed and construed to refer to […]
§ 147. Separability clause. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or part of this article shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or part […]