§ 240. Additional allowances. No allowance or compensation, in addition to the salary or compensation prescribed by law or authorized by this chapter or otherwise by law, shall be paid to any officer or employee of the city or to any person paid out of the city funds, nor shall any amount in excess of […]
§ 241. Books and papers to be public records. All books, papers and documents filed with or constituting a part of the records or proceedings of any officer, board or department of the city, shall be deemed to be public records and shall, during office hours, be open to public inspection.
§ 242. Inhabitants not incompetent; place of trial of actions and proceedings. Upon the trial of any issue or the prosecution of any proceeding, or upon the taking or making of any inquisition, appraisal or award, or upon the judicial investigation of any facts whatever, to which issue, proceedings, inquest, investigation or award the city […]
§ 243. Witnesses not to be excused from testifying. In any criminal proceeding before a court or grand jury or in any investigation or inquiry before the common council, or any committee thereof, or before any officer conducting an investigation, touching the knowledge of such witness as to any offense committed in violation of the […]
§ 244. Liability of city in certain actions; commencement of actions. No civil action shall be maintained against the city for damages or injuries to person or property sustained in consequence of any street, highway, bridge, culvert, sidewalk or crosswalk being defective, out of repair, unsafe, dangerous or obstructed unless it appears that written notice […]
§ 245. Definition of words. The word “his,” as used in this chapter shall, in all proper cases, be held to include and be co-extensive with the words “her,” “it” and “their;” the word “person,” shall be held to include and be co-extensive with the words “persons,” “company,” “joint-stock association” and “corporation.” The word “street” […]