§ 68-a. Definitions. 1. “Authorized issuer” shall mean the following public authorities and public benefit corporations, and any successors thereto: (a) the dormitory authority of the state of New York; (b) the urban development corporation; (c) the New York state thruway authority; (d) the New York state environmental facilities corporation; (e) the New York state […]
§ 68-b. Issuance of bonds and notes. 1. (a) Authorized issuers shall have the power and are hereby authorized from time to time to issue revenue bonds, in such principal amount or amounts, subject to subdivision eight of this section and as the director of the budget shall determine to be necessary, to provide sufficient […]
§ 68-c. Payments to authorized issuers. 1. The state, acting through the director of the budget, and authorized issuers may enter into, amend, modify, or rescind one or more financing agreements providing for the specific manner, timing, and amount of payments to be made under this section, but only in conformity with this section. 2. […]