§ 4-400 Mayor. 1. It shall be the responsibility of the mayor: a. To preside at the meetings of the board of trustees, and may have a vote upon all matters and questions coming before the board and he shall vote in case of a tie, however on all matters and questions, he shall vote […]
§ 4-402 Clerk. The clerk of each village shall, subject to the direction and control of the mayor: a. have custody of the corporate seal, books, records, and papers of the village and all the official reports and communications of the board of trustees; b. act as clerk of the board of trustees and of […]
§ 4-404 Taking of affidavits by village officers. The village clerk or any member of the board of trustees may administer oaths and take affidavits upon any claim or account against the village. The village clerk may also administer oaths and take affidavits upon matters in connection with village business.
§ 4-406 Permits; franchises; filing; duty of clerk. Duplicate originals of every resolution, certificate or other instrument whereby a village, or any board or officer thereof, grants a franchise, including a privilege or consent of any kind, to a public service corporation shall be executed and deposited with the village clerk; and such franchise shall […]
§ 4-408 Treasurer. The treasurer of each village shall be the chief fiscal officer of the village and it shall be his responsibility to: a. have custody of all moneys belonging to the village, and keep accounts of all receipts and expenditures in conformance with a uniform system of accounts formulated and prescribed by the […]
§ 4-410 Village justices; accounts, fees, and fines. 1. The village justice: a. shall not receive for his own benefit any fees, costs or expenses in any action or proceeding, but shall demand and receive the same fees, costs and expenses therein as are provided by law to be paid to a town justice in […]
§ 4-411 Disposition of fines and penalties. Except as otherwise provided by law, all fines and penalties imposed for the violation of a village local law, ordinance or regulation shall be the property of the village, whether or not the village has established the office of village justice. Nothing in this section shall be deemed […]
§ 4-412 The board of trustees. 1. General powers of the board of trustees. a. In addition to any other powers conferred upon villages, the board of trustees of a village shall have management of village property and finances, may take all measures and do all acts, by local law, not inconsistent with the provisions […]
§ 4-414 Assessments other than for local improvements. Whenever an owner of property is required by general special or local law to make an improvement, perform any work or do any act on such property in the interest of public safety, health, comfort, and general welfare and such owner shall fail to make the improvement […]