Chapter 154 of the laws of 1921 Port of New York authority Section 1. William R. Willcox, Eugenius H. Outerbridge and Murray Hulbert, or any two of them, commissioners heretofore appointed under chapter four hundred and twenty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred and seventeen of the state of New York, together with the attorney-general […]
CHAPTER 192/1925 Section 1. There is hereby created and established a district to be known as the “Albany Port District” which shall embrace all the territory on the easterly and westerly sides of the Hudson river which on January first, nineteen hundred and twenty-nine, was included within the city of Albany and the city of […]
* Section 1. Legislative declaration. The legislature hereby declares that the operation of responsible democratic government requires that the fullest opportunity be afforded to the people to petition their government for the redress of grievances and to express freely to appropriate officials their opinions on legislation and governmental operations; and that, to preserve and maintain […]
ARTICLE 1 ASSESSMENTS; COLLECTION OF TAX BY COLLECTORS Section 1. Assessment rolls. The assessment rolls to be prepared by the assessors of the towns of Suffolk county shall provide for the separate description of each separately assessed parcel of real estate, each special franchise, and shall contain such columns and other matter, requisite to the […]
SPECIAL NEEDS HOUSING ACT OF 1988 Section 1. Legislative findings and purpose. 2. Short title. 3. Definitions. 4. Contracts for single room housing projects. 5. General and administrative provisions. Section 1. Legislative findings and purpose. The legislature hereby finds that in certain municipalities of the state there exists substandard and unsanitary housing due to obsolescence, […]
Section 1. (a) The city of Troy, Rensselaer county, is hereby authorized to issue serial bonds on or before December 31, 1995 in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed four million two hundred fifty-five thousand dollars for the specific object or purpose of liquidating the cumulative deficit of four million two hundred fifty-five thousand […]
Chapter 62 of 2003 PART D3 Section 1. The tobacco settlement financing corporation act is enacted to read as follows: Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation Act Section 1. Short title. 2. The tobacco settlement financing corporation. 3. Definitions. 4. The sale agreement. 5. Powers of the corporation. 6. Bonds of the corporation. 7. State not liable […]
Chapter 174 of the laws of 1968 Section 1. Short title. 2. Statement of legislative findings and purposes. 3. Definitions. 4. New York state urban development corporation. 5. Powers of the corporation. 6. Sale or lease of land use improvement projects. 6-a*. Sale or lease of infrastructure projects. * NB Not implemented due to defeat […]
Chapter 175 of the laws of 1968 Urban development guarantee fund of N.Y. Section 1. Short title. This act shall be known and may be cited as the “Urban development guarantee fund of New York act”. § 2. Statement of legislative findings and purposes. The legislature hereby finds that in certain urban areas of our […]
Chapter 173 of the laws of 1968 NEW YORK STATE URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH CORPORATION ACT Section 1. Short title. 2. Statement of legislative findings and purposes. 3. Definitions. 4. Corporation for urban development and research of New York. 5. Membership council. 6. Purposes of the corporation. 7. Powers and limitations. 8. Cooperation with municipalities. […]
NEW YORK STATE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT OF NINETEEN HUNDRED EIGHTY-FOUR FOR THE CITY OF YONKERS Section 1. Short title 2. Definitions 3. Legislative declaration of financial emergency 4. General rights and prohibitions 5. Power of city or covered organization to determine the expenditure of available funds 6. New York state emergency financial control board for […]
TAXES ARTICLE IX INCOME TAX SURCHARGE § 15-98. Title. This article shall be known as the “City of Yonkers Income Tax Surcharge Act of 1984.” § 15-99. Definitions. For purposes of this article and chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings: CITY NONRESIDENT ESTATE OR TRUST – An estate or trust […]